Help figure out how much this Colt is worth


New member
This is a Colt 1911A1, marked US Property, liberated from the US Army at some point during the Korean War.

It has been refinished commercially, but is otherwise stock.

It looks nice, for a refinished gun. Supposedly shoots well.

I am told it was produced during WW2, but havent tracked the serial number down to prove that.

How much?


New member
Seems about $600-800 on correct, arsenal-refinished USGI Colts depending on who's buying. Lotsa regional differences make pricing difficult. I saw an Augusta Arsenal reparked Colt for sale near me recently for $1000 - a bit dear, IMO. would be a great resource, if you have a little more info available.


New member
You might find some sucker willing to pay more than it's worth because it has "Colt" roll marked on the slide, but it's still just a used and refinished 1911.

I'll give ya 300$ for it. :D


New member
A military 1911 that has been commercially refinished is no longer a collectible, so that is obviously removed from the value. As a shooter it is worth about $450-$500. However, if the refinish was a competent restoration of the original military finish it may be worth another hundred or so, simply from the current demand for GI .45s.