Help fighting the school ?

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To make it short one of our local administrators told the students that if they had an assembly they would be “easy targets”for the March 14 walk out. The local schools have been cramming anti-gun rhetoric down the kids ever sinceb the Florida shooting. That is all they can talk about and they are scared to go to school. Who would I seek out to see if there is any grounds to have that particular administrator removed ? I find that speech holy irresponsible and damaging to fragile minds. Shouldn’t politics be left out of the school systems ? I know that that is a far lost battle but isn’t there something that can be done about this one particular instance to set an example ? In my mind that kind of indoctrination cannot be tolerated.
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New member
Are they violating any laws or school policies? If not, your case sounds more like "I don't like their opinion. Thus, they should be fired." If so, that is a very dangerous and arbitrary stance to take.

tony pasley

New member
By yourself you will be fighting a losing battle. With others feeling the same you might make a change but not likely. The anti self defense ideology has been pushed in the schools for over 30 years I know of.

In The Ten Ring

New member
Your best bet would be to home school or send your children to a private school. School systems are inherently corrupt "the right people clubs" where even their own rules do not apply. Administrators tend to be very left-wing. *I know this because I was in the school system for over a decade.

Schools have become indoctrination centers just like many judges and the media. You'll get no help anywhere. This administrator is friends with the right people while you are not.

The biggest problem with the US education system is the lack of quality instruction.

In my experience, the elected school board defaults to the superintendent's judgement. School boards are spring boards for political entry, nothing more.

dogtown tom

New member
In The Ten Ring Your best bet would be to home school or send your children to a private school. School systems are inherently corrupt "the right people clubs" where even their own rules do not apply. Administrators tend to be very left-wing. *I know this because I was in the school system for over a decade.
Private schools aren't necessarily better and home schooling leaves a lot to be desired.
"Inherently corrupt"? That's laughable. The most corrupt school I worked in was a private school.
And administrators tend to be very left wing? That's laughable as well. Teachers and schools are a reflection of their community. If you suffer liberal teachers it's likely you live in a liberal state.

* I know this because I've taught and coached since 1980 in both public and private schools, K-12 as well as coaching at NCAA Division I & III universities.

Schools have become indoctrination centers just like many judges and the media.
Um, no. PARENTS that don't instill values deserve to have their child indoctrinated by others. I've had teachers who sympathized with socialism, who made Bernie Sanders look like a right wing zealot and a professor who was chairman of the state Democratic Party. Not for a single minute was I "indoctrinated". In fact those educators would espouse a theory or take a position to elicit debate.

I hear people spout this nonsense here in Texas all the time, despite our state board of education being populated by a conservative majority for almost four decades. It's conservatives complaining about conservatives....and they don't even know it.:D

You'll get no help anywhere. This administrator is friends with the right people while you are not.
Being "friends" has nothing to do with a school districts policies or a state dept of education policies. If implementation of stated policy is unfair, unequal or nonexistent..........then guess what? You have a right to due process. And I know you know that, 'cause you were "in the school system" for over a decade right?;)

The biggest problem with the US education system is the lack of quality instruction.
This shows how little you really know about the US education system. "Quality instruction"? How about parental involvement?
Come visit Plano, Frisco, Allen or McKinney, Texas schools next time you want to complain about public schooling. And while you are here take note of the paltry number of private schools. There's a reason for that.

In my experience, the elected school board defaults to the superintendent's judgement.
School Boards develop and determine policy, the superintendent implements those policies.
Our superintendent just resigned over differences with our elected board.

School boards are spring boards for political entry, nothing more.
Huh? It's not a springboard to politics, it IS POLITICS because it's an elected position. Just like city council, serving on the Parks & Rec Board, the Water Commission, etc. These are the people we elect to represent us. Don't like how your local schools or community is run? If only there was a way to address that!:rolleyes:


New member

If you have children in the school system, talk to them about any planned “assembly” and whether they have a desire to participate. If you don't believe they will be “easy targets”, tell them so. I would also give them the option to stay home tomorrow if they are most comfortable with that.

As far as having an administrator removed, the School Board is the place to start as already suggested. One or more of the members may share your concerns.


New member
Many schools have allowed students to protest. I’ve watch it on live video. I’ve also seen live video of rioters being allowed onto school grounds to coax the high schoolers out. I’ve seen videos and listened to recordings of teachers on hours long leftist rants.

I’ve also seen where schools are going to be able to participate in the upcoming march against guns.

Everyone is forgetting that we are the bad guys, no matter your politics, if you believe in gun rights then you are lumped in with the republicans. The republicans are the bad guys.
I don’t know if you call it indoctrination, but many teachers are trying to indoctrinate children and young adults.


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All VIacom linear networks to go dark on Wednesday from 10:00am to 10:17am (including BET, MTV, and Nickelodeon) in a show of solidarity with these protests.


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I wonder what goes on today and am scared of the prospect of these kids reaching adulthood in mass, but ~20 to ~30 years ago when I was in grade/middle/high school we were actually taught the right to bear arms was a unique and wholesome measure, put in place such to *protect us from the government*. Similarly we were taught that the government had no right entering your home without a search warrant, the right to free speech, the concept of innocent until proven guilty, and all the similarly important principles we are supposed to live by here..

Recently I was a bit astonished at a work thing when my boss, a very well educated ~60 year old southern gent and a fairly hard core right winger, but not the gun owning sort, told some visitors from Europe over dinner that the right to bear arms had something to do with "rights to hunt the land"... The man seems to know history on everything, far more about the local history where I live 1000 miles away than I do, but on such a basic thing he was way off the mark...

Immediately that got me wondering, that basic idea we all very well knew & accepted from a young age on, which I believe to be very much correct - is not all that well shared across the nation because apparently teachers have not been teaching basic history. No wonder we have all these debates on gun control - huge masses of the nation are not even aware of such things.
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