Help an anti-gun poll get it right :o)


New member
Wow. No bias in that poll at all.
Yeah, no kidding. And their "Action Alert" on gun shows contains the following whopper:
Action Alert

When President Clinton signed the historic Brady Bill, he never envisioned the widespread abuses that we see just a few years later. Today, thousands of people are able to bypass the criminal background check by obtaining firearms at gun shows. The majority of the buyers are indeed law-abiding citizens, but thousands of guns have also gone to criminals, who would have otherwise been prevented from buying guns with a background check.

There is even evidence that those who carried out the terrorist attacks of September 11 also used the loophole to purchase weapons. As of this date, Attorney General John Ashcroft has blocked any investigation to confirm whether terrorists used the gun show loophole or any other method to purchase weapons.

In 1999, by just a few votes, the GOP-controled Congress crushed an attempt to close the gun show loophole. Today, proponents for the safety of our schools and communities are fighting back to return this crucial piece of legislation to the floor of Congress.

Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) has proposed a bill in the Senate that would close the loophole by simply extending existing federal law to include gun shows. The House version is the McCarthy-Castle bill.


Urge your Senators to close this loophole by co-sponsoring the Reed bill (S.767). Tell your Representative to co-sponsor the McCarthy-Castle bill (H.R.2377). Each day that criminals are able to get weapons at gun shows is a day that our schools and communities become even more dangerous. Call your Members of Congress today and tell them to make our communities safer by closing the gun show loophole.
The rest is at: -- but you'll have to create a user profile (you can use a fake).

Greg L

New member
A: 19 votes 3.48%
B: 6 - 1.10%
C: 109 - 19.96%
D: 412 - 75.46%


And if you hit the back button you can vote again. :D :D :D

Don't you just love these scientific polls :rolleyes:


Calamity Jane

New member
Done. And...

...our percentage is still goin' up:

A. Close the loophole. 3.39 % (19)
B. We need national licensing and registration. 1.07 % (6)
C. Both A and B. 19.43 % (109)
D. None of the Above. 76.11 % (427)

Dave R

New member
Wow, "none of the above" is now 80%.

Despite the fact that the way the poll is worded makes that option sound horrible.


New member
A. Close the loophole. 2.56 % (19)
B. We need national licensing and registration. 0.81 % (6)
C. Both A and B. 15.11 % (112)
D. None of the Above. 81.51 % (604)


New member
Straight off their home page...

The NCEC Mission
NCEC is a vital force in American Politics. We support progressive candidtes who fight for issues you believe in, like freedom of choice, separation of church and state, gun control, equal rights, and environmental protection.

NCEC = Neo-Communists for the Emasculation of our Country

Ben Swenson

New member
Close the loophole.
1.91 % (20)
We need national licensing and registration.
0.57 % (6)
Both A and B.
10.69 % (112)
None of the Above.
86.83 % (910)


New member

Thanks, Libertarian. I've bookmarked their homepage and put a link on my start page so I can go there daily and check on new polls. I really hate it when Nazis, Fascists and Statists pretend to be "progressive".

A word of warning about voting twice, they use cookies, yourusername@hitbox.txt and yourusername @ehghitbox.txt to encode information so they will probably be able to subtract multiple hits.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
As of 5:30 p.m., (People's Republic of California time,) 052902, freedom is way ahead.

A. Close the loophole. 1.70 % (20)
B. We need national licensing and registration. 0.51 % (6)
C. Both A and B. 9.52 % (112)
D. None of the Above. 88.27 % (1038)


New member
A. Close the loophole. 1.66 % (20)
B. We need national licensing and registration. 0.50 % (6)
C. Both A and B. 9.29 % (112)
D. None of the Above. 88.55 % (1067)


New member
It just keeps getting better :cool:

A. Close the loophole. 1.16 % (22)
B. We need national licensing and registration. 0.32 % (6)
C. Both A and B. 6.09 % (115)
D. None of the Above. 92.43 % (1746)


New member
Any time there is any poll anywhere about gun control our side always comes out ahead by an overwhelming margin. Am I the only one that has noticed this? Why do any antigun groups even bother conducting a poll?