

New member
hi, thought i would introduce myself since i kinda been lurking for a couple days. im mostly just here to read stuff, learn, and lurk. I will probably post if i can help someone out or something peaks my interest. mostly just wanna hear what other people in the shooting world think about stuff......oh yeah I like guns, and i like to shoot em.:)


New member
G'day noone all the way from Oztrayya.

You'll find the guys n' gals here to be some of the most
polite and intelligent folk you could ever wish to be friends with ! :cool:

Yup, I like guns too & yes we're still "allowed" to have them here but for how long it's hard to say... Anyways WELCOME to T.F.L :D

Smokey Joe

New member

Noone--Glad to have y'aboard!

Meekandmild--That movie was "Blood Work," one of Eastwood's masterpieces. BTW, the book on which the film was based, is even better, IMHO. Book has the same title. Eastwood kept most of the story from the book intact.


New member
"The more the merrier' ( I hope I said that right ) my english writing and computer skills are a bit in the rusty side (so are my other languages) but this forum gives me the opportunity to practice again and also helps with pistol skills (which are barely any). Thanks to some nice people here I'm learning a bit more everyday. I hope you feel very welcome here.


New member
meekandmild, yes my handle is from the movie blood work. I have been using it since the book came out, kinda sucks that now everyone knows what it means :)


New member
Noone, you could change it to an Aussie version : Nunya :rolleyes:

Q. As in what's it mean?

A. Nunya

Q. Huh?

A. Nunya business ! :D


New member
Sorry for outing you noone, but I thought that was a really good movie (never read the book). The supporting actor Jeff Daniels was superb. He is usually known as a comic actor, but in this movie he played villain/psychopath very well, very down to earth and never overacted. Clint Eastwood gets a little bit melodraumatic at times but I think that he directed really well.


New member
meek I wasnt refering to you. lots of people in general know what it means. I also thought the movie was good, but the book was better. thanks for the welcomes guys.


New member
Who are you guys posting to? I don't see NO-ONE. NO-ONE posted here, so why are you posted and welcoming NO-ONE to the forums?

J/K :D


New member
Who's on first?

Well I don't see no one either BUT he could be in the outfield/outhouse!

I wonder if any one is his gurlfriend?.... ;)