Hello. My name is Travis, and I am a Glockaholic.


New member
This weekend, as I was rooting around in the gunsafe, I discovered an alarming fact. My collection of defensive pistols has become populated with an alarming number of Glocks. Upon discovering this, I asked myself, "Why in the world did I buy them all? Because you can't help yourself!" My evil subconscious replied all too quickly. "Eh?" was my most intelligent response. "Yes. You can't help yourself! The evil power of the black polimer has permiated your innermost being." my inner voice suppplied. As you can probably imagine, I had a ready arguement for this. "I need these guns for self defence!" The evil subconscious, of coarse, was ready for this feeble arguement. "Need? Need? How many of these can you carry?" Uh...well, a couple I guess."
I would relate the rest of the conversation to you all, but I'm sure you get the idea by now. Don't missunderstand, I have other guns, and they are all great. So...why so many glocks? I've read the posts of some of the other Glockaholics here,(declaired and undeclaired), and I am baffled over the attraction. They are kind of like Pokemon. I gotta catch em all. Why?

Ps. Don't worry to much about my mental state. Oh, and I'll call a priest about that voice. Really I will.


New member
Allow me to make you feel better. Only good can come from your addiction. As a bona-fide 1911aholic, I can definitely feel your anguish. But consider the following:

1. You are engaged in collecting an item that is easy to find and relatively cheap. Imagine being me and traveling to the valleys of Tibet just to find a military 1924 Transitional.

2. By collecting so many of one firearm, you will practice with it and become ONE with your chosen firearm, like a zen master.

3. You will become such an expert on said firearm that people will come from afar just to seek your wisdom and advice, from customizing to shooting techniques.

So, you will advance from being a mere Glockaholic to "Glocker, zen Master of Smyrna". :cool:

Marko Kloos

New member
My carry gun is a Glock 32.

Like my roomie says, "I have my gun collection, and then I have my Glocks." They make fine carry guns because they are available in many calibers, they are extremely reliable, and they're durable.

Their biggest advantage, however, lies in the fact that they are cookie-cuttered defense tupperware. You don't get emotionally attached to them, so you don't baby them excessively. If they get banged up, scratched, or taken as evidence, it's no heartbreak...they make more in Smyrna every day, and you can just run out and get another one just like it.

Glocks are economical, robust, sparse and utilitarian, a no-frills design, and that's precisely their appeal. Every time I go out with extremely gun-savvy friends, I don't fail to notice that while we all have beautiful revolvers and customized 1911s galore between us, just about everybody packs a Glock. They're working guns...not for show or parade, just to do a job. As self-protection tools, they're hard to beat. There are more accurate guns out there, lighter and smaller guns, higher capacity guns, and definitely prettier guns...but none of those pack the same combination of features in a package that just lends itself to abuse.


New member
The first step in any recovery is to admit you have a problem. :D :D :D

I'd be happy to help you with treating your addiction by taking one or two off your hands.


New member
I like having several simply because I can use the mags in different guns. I have lots of the non-neutered 9mm mags and can use them in my 19 or 26. I like the trigger being similar when I change to another model with a different caliber. They are simple user guns as stated above. And if you like the 19, you will probably like the 23 and the 357 sig version that I forget the number of.

And now with the talk of a lock in the actual gun coming, I am getting another one this week.


New member

Just wondering.....

If you could only keep two of your Glocks, which ones would you keep? And why those two?
Hello, Travis!

You are one sick, sick, twisted, SOB who should be locked in the deepest hole known to man.

That's how Tupperphiles should be dealt with.



New member
my name is slacko and I'm a glockaholic....

My 19 has stopped accepting neutered mags and insists on 'normal caps' only. I responded by giving her a G18 mag (w/+2 ) to suck on temporarily.

My 20 has been very happy here, but as I'm lacking in space I've been looking to trade for a 29. Not sure whether I wanna give up the normal caps capacity tho...


New member
Travis ~

You sound perfectly normal to me. I have 8 Glocks, so far and I carry them all, all of the time. :eek:


New member
I guess if I had to keep only two, it would be the 22 and the 27. And then of course the 17, and the... wait! You said only two? How can I keep only two?

I just can't decide. :eek:

Please pardon my vacillation.


New member
It depends....
Sometimes I use a wheelbarrow; sometimes a baby stroller; motorcycle saddlebags, etc. It just depends mostly on what I'm wearing. :cool: