hello, my name is dan, and i have an addiction...

i assume i'm not the only one out there. does anyone else burn a hole thru their pockets buying guns? it seems like any time i have some cash lying around, i think to myself, "i think it's time for a new gun."

old bear

New member
Hello Dan, no you are not the only one. Many of us spend a % of our disposable income of firearms and related items. The trick, as far as I'm concerned, is to see all of my finical responsibilities are taken care of before I start spending money on any toys.


New member
I feel your pain too! I wanted more than anything to spend a bunch of my wedding money on a new SIG, but the wifes car broke down and a few other things later and I am left with the choice of settling on a M9A1 or CZ75 or waiting a month or so to buy the SIG I want.

I need to do like Pete @ The Armory Channel, its time for a gun money jar.


New member
I hear you man. I have recently curbed my spending on guns and gun stuff, I have what I "need" at the moment. I have been wanting a 1911 though, just don't have the funds to accquire one.

One day at a time my friend, one day at a time.:)


New member
The burning starts everytime I...

1. Go anywhere near a gun store (in my area, this include pawn shops)
2. Read a gun magazine (American Handgunner, Guns Magazine)
3. Visit an online gun store (budsgunshop.com, cheaperthandirt.com
4. Log on to this site!

Am I obsessed? Maybe slightly! Feels good, too!:D:D:D


New member
Gun list now in order of how much I WANT!!!!!!!!!!

1. P229 Enhanced Elite
2. 1911 (probably SIG)
3. M9A1 or 92A1
4. Mossberg 500 or Mossbern 930
5. AK-47 clone


New member
Well , yer certainly not gonna get any sympathy from me. I have the same affliction. And a C&R FFL to boot! AKA , a federal license to spend money.

As long as my bills are paid , and I have a nice cushion in my checking account , and I'm working , it's guns , tools and motorcycles I spend my mad money on. Beats blowing it on drink or dope! :D
amen to that.

i'm in no way hurtin for money, not married, already own a house, truck paid for, but somehow i still feel irresponsible spending so much on guns.


New member
All money is wasted unless spent on only three things.

One is guns.
One is dogs.

The other is pickup trucks.


New member
Hi my name is Yung.gunr and I am a gunaholic

I get the urge any time I see a gun or a gun related site or item. Maybe I should move my guns out of the closet so I don't see em every time I go to get dressed..... Nah... I don't think I'm really trying to recover.

Saving up right now for my December purchase which is supposed to be a Saiga and is supposed to be my last gun purchase for a year or two.... :eek: :( what did I agree to in order to get the ok from the wife????... :eek:


New member
Hello Dan, I too share your addiction!

But be careful mentioning it on this forum. I did a couple days ago, and was told by some that I should save the money for a house, or retirement. Or invest in Municipal bonds.
Another said posts like this are just so the OP can brag that they have money to burn on guns.
To them I say:

Neither know my situation, nor do I care about their advise!
To you my friend I say. WELCOME!!! (and I won't mention my Glock!:D)

The Real Wyatt

New member
Nocturnus said:
"I hear you man. I have recently curbed my spending on guns and gun stuff, I have what I "need" at the moment. I have been wanting a 1911 though, just don't have the funds to accquire one."

You have what you "need"?

Then you ain't got the ADDICTION.

I "NEED" every gun I pick up in a gun shop. I "NEED" every gun I read a review about in a magazine. I "NEED" every gun I see being shot next to me at the range.

At this point in my life (I'm in my 70's) I "NEED" about 4,738 different guns. Ain't got nearly enough money nor time left on the planet to get 'em all.

Oh. About 1911's. If you can count the number of 1911's you have without using your toes then you don't have nearly enough 1911's yet.


New member
"If you can count the number of 1911's you have without using your toes then you don't have nearly enough 1911's yet."



New member
You might regret that addiction when you are ready to retire, and wonder where your money went.