Hello every one!


New member
Ive been hanging around for a few weeks,and decieded to sign on.
Looks like a good site with some knowlagable people.


New member
Pistols,revolvers,rifles small and large bores. loading for all, hunting, fishing,ect.
Thanks for the welcome.

44 AMP

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome, and enjoy yourself (but not too much;)). We have a lot of nice friendly people, and some of them might know something useful to you. You might know something useful for the rest of us. This is a good place to share experiences and knowledge, hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us.


New member
As a beginner on the forum, I would cautiously approach or maybe avoid any postings with the words GLOCK or BEARS in the title, otherwise alot of fun:)


As a beginner on the forum, I would cautiously approach or maybe avoid any postings with the words GLOCK or BEARS in the title, otherwise alot of fun

Also ones that start with "What would you do...".


New member
dRInkINg?! WHoose-wHOse Bin DreeNKIng anD P-posTIng on HeRE? SMart aleCK liTTle P-ShoOTeR! :barf: