Helllllloooooo out there!


New member
This newbie says Hi! from Michigan.I'm a former LEO and current CPL holder.New 1911 A1 RIA owner with a 642 in my pocket.Glad to be here,and I won't cause much trouble!!:D
"Glad to be here,and I won't cause much trouble!!"

Now, how boring is that???:D

What part if Michigan are you from? Got inlaws there and we used to live in Battle Creek...


New member
Michigan, eh? We crimson & gold Ohioans hate those blue & gold Michiganers.

Kidding aside, welcome here, and besides the hunting is better up in Michigan. Besides, in my travels up to Michigan, the people up there really know how to drive cars well, as well as fast. Unlike the AFOs (a________s from Ohio). :eek:


New member
Ain't that the truth, I always get passed on back roads in Michigan by locals, I would say the other cars are doing 80 in a 45 most days of the week (there is no way in hell I'm going over 45 in my jeep). Anything better than a dirt road is treated like a freeway.