Heart Attack

Harry Bonar

New member
Been absent for a time - about 6 weeks ago I had a heart attack that required five stents at Riverside Methodist Hospital and I'm getting along great!
This had been coming on for about three years - lack of energy, etc! Didn't want to worry the wife and I was 73 so I figured something would get me one day - I never suspected the heart!
Local hospital in Parkersburg, W.Va., did everything wrong so my wife and family had me sent to Riverside. Fine place!
Am back working in my shop now finishing my first muzzle-loader and eating much more healthy foods! Have a fishing/boating trip planned fotr the "Outer Banks" next summer, got a new fishing cart for pie:)r fishjing and am looking toward the future - but, it was a life changing experience! I died twice - revived with CPR locally but Riverside got me in good shape.
Good to be back with you guys!
Harry Bonar


New member
6 million dollar man,

Glad to see you back. You might consider an AED for the home and CPR training fer your wife. If nothing else, I can send you a CPR participant's manual with CD/DVD. I hope you can clean up the smithy corner. Some of the younger residents have really let the shop cobwebs build up. Kids.

PS...you were missed.


New member
Glad to hear you are back and feeling better.
Yes, missed you and your knowledge. Always something interesting when you post.
Maybe the next 73 years will be better!


New member
Thank the Good Lord you're alive - my brother is recovering right now from a quadruple bypass following a heart attack in the hospital while in for dialysis.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Good to see you back, and sorry to hear of a bad hospital experience. I have a few years on you and one thing I am glad of is that our local hospital is high quality and we are only about an hour from Johns Hopkins if we need to go to the top level. So far, I have not needed any treatments, except for a torn knee cartilage (76 year olds should not play football with teenagers), but it is nice to know good care is there.

So welcome back, and we all hope you have a long time to share your knowledge with us.



New member
Gosh, I'm glad you're still with us! Take care of yourself and you'll make it past the century mark.


New member
Welcome back. Take care of that heart, yourself, and your family. You have been given a second chance. Enjoy life. It goes so darn quickly. Speedy recovery!!


New member

I'm sorry to hear of your heart attack but glad to see you made it through.

A gentlemen I work with has had three in the last two years and is only 48. He's an avid hunter and is in good shape otherwise. They have decided that he has a hereditary condition and it's not because of diet or excersize.

Another fellow at work recently had an electrical problem with his heart while swimming. He drowned in the pool, had 25 minutes of CPR and came out of his coma four days later. Thankfully he is back at work now and recovering well, pacemaker in place. He is in his early fifties.

These cases remind me that I need to take good care of myself if I wish to reach an age comparable to yours. I work in a high stress enviroment and there is a history of heart trouble in other people that I work with.