Hearing Protection


New member
In the ear, and over the ear regardless of the weapon.

My Sig 220 w/ AAC blackbox suppressor is about as loud as car door slamming... I still wear the muffs/plugs.

If I shoot IDPA, I don't use the plugs as I can't hear the timer start w/ them in.


My Sig 220 w/ AAC blackbox suppressor is about as loud as car door slamming.

How much did the suppressor cost you? I love my SIG P220 and would love to have one on it.

And I always wear hearing protection. Go to gun shows and look at all the middle-aged guys with massive hearing aids who still have to read lips to understand. They likely didn't think they needed hearing protection.


New member
How much did the suppressor cost you? I love my SIG P220 and would love to have one on it.

Suppressor: $885 with sales tax
Jarvis ext/threaded barrel: $275
ATF tax stamp: $200
around 2 month wait: !!

total: $1360

And its really cool and really pretty useless.


Not useless to me. It's my home defense gun, and I'd rather not ruin my own hearing if I have to deal with an intruder.


New member
Not useless to me. It's my home defense gun, and I'd rather not ruin my own hearing if I have to deal with an intruder

It's one of mine too.... I won't be shooting an intruder with my suppressor attatched. MHO. :cool:


New member
Your hearing is priceless. I have lost 60% of my hearing in my left ear, and 20% in my right ear, partially due to not using hearing protection when I was younger. You don't know how important it is until the damage has been done. I invested in a quality set of electronic muffs, and still wear plugs under the muffs when firing anything other than rimfire.


New member
Do any of you wear hearing protection while shooting a 22 rifle with long rifle ammo?

WHAT? WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU?.........:eek:

Yes, all the time. The ranges where I shoot require it.........;)
I generally do, but I grew up shooting .22lr without any hearing protection, and doubt it is really needed. However, I shoot at a club range. It really irks me when I go there with an AR-15, 30-30, .44 Mag lever rifle, etc, and some guy and his kids are shooting a .22lr at the rifle range, and none of them have hearing protection. So, I say to the family funsters, "I am going to start shooting, do you have hearing protection?" And they say, inevitably, "No, but that's OK, go ahead..." So then what do you do? Particularly if the guy has kids with him? Well, I try to look out for kids, but if you go to a range to shoot your .22lr and it never occurs to you that one of the other 1,500 members might show up with something loud to shoot, then you can invest in a savings plan for your kids' hearing aids. I go ahead and shoot.


Shotgun mags show a heavy run of sophisticated hearing protection most of which is the custom molded electronic type. But those guys will shoot large amounts of ammo so the issue is more serious. I am a private pilot and while I haven't flown in a long time there is a chance to be double whammied if you're a shooter and pilot.

I read that sound waves can go through bones in your head so ear protection alone may not be sufficient in worst cases. Plugs and headsets area good way to go but even there we find variables - the good stuff costs more.


One upon a time, a man named Maxim sold silencers that were advertised as "The Gentleman's Way to Shoot". They were sold to anyone, ads were in sporting magazines, and people were able to shoot rifles without damaging their hearing, most of the dangerous sound waves being broken up in the silencer baffles.

Then the Big Bad Government came along...

...and you know the rest of the story.


New member
I went too long without using hearing protection when I was a kid. I use muffs all the time now. I was stupid!!:mad:

chris in va

New member
Electronic muffs with at least 28 NRR. Mine just crapped the can so looking for another pair. Some day I will equip my Kadet with a supressor, looks like everything included it'll run about $700. Ouch.