Hearing protection ?

Jump boot

New member
I shoot alot indoors and am tired of taking the muffs off to hear what is going on.I've put off buying electronic muffs for years,mainly because I don't know if they are worth the money or if they even work that good at all.Every one that I shoot with are in the same boat or they would have them too.What are your suggestions and recomendations?All the adds that I read say their's is the best.I don't want to fall prey to the advertisement garbage.Thanks for the input..........Jump boot

Jump boot

New member
Thanks for reply Happy Gunner.With so many to choose from out on the market,I want to make the best investment for my money.Take care and stay happy......Jump boot :)


New member
I have two pairs of Pro-Ears Demension One's. A pair of Tactical cut backs for rifle shooting and a pair of Slim-Lines for pistol shooting. Both are terriffic and very well made. What ever you decide to get .... get good ones, your hearing is worth it!


New member
best hearing protection I have ever had (and still do) is a pair of custom fit (some kind of rubber, I forget the name) that they squirt into your ears, and then cure with another chemical. They go into your ears like foamies, but you dont have to squish them, and they dont fall out. They have the benifit of not being big like muffs if you shoot rifle. The only drawbacks are that you have to find someone to make them (got mine at a rifle competition in georgia), and they are expensive (mine were around $100). They deaden the report of guns much better than any other type of protection I have ever used (and I have used a lot of different kinds)


New member
I'll second the recommendation for Pro Ears electronic muffs. I have a pair of Pro Ears Magnum muffs, and they are terrific! As far as I know, they are the only muffs with jumper programmable amplification levels, and microphone gain. Also the only muffs with a five year warranty, and since I bought them with a Bank America debit card, that warranty is automatically doubled to ten years! :D

My hearing is very bad after working around missiles, aircraft, and noisy test labs all my life, plus shooting, and flying gas powered model airplanes. Pro Ears are the only muffs I've tried that have enough amplification for me, and they are so comfortable, that I often wear them around the house instead of my expensive hearing aids.



New member
I have peltor t 7's wear them daily and i have not had the slightest problems with them in 3 years. I use them in the shop and in the field(around Cat's and the like) and they make the difference. i hear people talk and yet i have not lost any further hearing in the time i have been wearing them. price has dropped fron 230 to about 120 now street price.