Hearing Protection Act (HR 3799)

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New member
A bill has recently been introduced to remove suppressors from the NFA. It currently has 16 cosponsors, and was referred to the Ways and Means and Judiciary committees.

Some background: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20151022/nra-backs-hearing-protection-act

Personally, I rather doubt this will go anywhere (although I wish it would pass!)
What do you think? It is reasonable to get something like this passed in the semi-near future? Are there other concerns beyond the objections over fears of rampant Hollywood-esque murders and assassins?


New member
It is interesting to note the difference in perception between the US and Europe. In the US they are "silencers" and are seen as an assassin's tool. In Europe, they are "moderators" and are seen as a courtesy to your neighbors, much like using a muffler on your car.

I hope common sense prevails, but common sense is an uncommon commodity when dealing with anti-gunners.
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