Heads up to PMR-30 owners looking for a holster


New member
Recently Sportsmans Guide had the military M-12 flap holsters in new condition for $20 so I ordered one as it looked like it might fit my Kel Tec PMR-30 and I hadn't wanted to pay $45 for a used one on eBay.
Well it fits like it was made for it. I thought to order a few more but SG was sold out so I checked eBay and sure enough whoever bought them up they are now selling them on eBay. The price is up to about $30 shipped for new but it has driven the price of a nice used one down to around $15.
These make an absolutely excellent field holster.


New member
Appreciate the info, galco has one that fits the pmr perfectly but was made for the walther ppq.