Heads up 4 women


New member
i fell a little weird about posting this, but it really is only about safety. a while back, my wife (who shoots, but not regularly) had an incident that was not very pleasant. and friday, the same thing happened to my daughter. so, in the intrest of keeping others from being injured, i want to suggest that all women wear a top that is completely closed (such as a snug t-shirt) while shooting. both my wife, and daughter has a HOT shell casing fly down their shirt, and burn them in a not very nice place. and of course, the undergarment that women wear only helps to make matters worse, by trapping and holding that hot peice of brass against the skin. so gals, as much as us guys like cleavage :rolleyes:, please be safe and cover up at the range. no one wants to see you get hurt. :)


New member
+1 for cleavage

I agree with the 'bulletproof' tops for girls :eek: I have seen many times shells go down girls tops, and those little suckers (cases) ar pretty darn hot and leave a nasty little burn.

I have even had shells go down the neck hole (round neck, not 'v' neck) t shirts myself.... not nice, and they burn so deep, so quick :eek:

So, very caring & nice of you to bring this subject up, wrench,

'onya mate :D
I'll take a boobie burn over the case that lodged between my glasses and my eye lid a couple of years ago, raising a blister on my eye lid. That's a very peculiar feeling when you open your eye...


New member
watch out for your range buddy too!


New member
Good Advice

I think that is very wise advice for the ladies and the fellows.I had brass burn between the corner of the eye and nose when the brass got stuck between the glasses and another when hot brass went down my tank top that was lose fitting around the neck area and the very very hot brass found its way down the shirt and it stuck between the belly,while the shirt was tucked in.:eek:.


New member

That video had me ROFLMAO, it took that dude long enough to respond to the brass flying off his noggin.:D
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New member
My sister had that happen with a .22LR casing. Gave her enough of a lesson in low cut tops at the range. So yeah, crew neck shirts there folks, both guys and gals.

As for worrying about cases around glasses, if you need prescription eyewear I just recommend getting a set of actual prescription safety glasses for shooting. Wal-Mart's optical department sells such things, and I even got them with the self-darkening lenses for bright days. Great for shooting, yard work, or anywhere else where you might have small pieces of things flying around.


New member
Well, I think thongs are out too and that applies to both sexes.... Hot case pop up over your head and down yur back... OUCH!

I'm not thinking that will cramp my shooting style.... but, someone like WA.... I dunno.


New member
Mike Irwin has boo........uh never mind.

my ex ALWAYS would walk up on my right to shoot and catch casings down her top, some people never learn.


New member
Good thing that with my guns and my reloads, I just place the empty coffee can off to the side, shoot until the can's full and head home...:p


New member
Be mindfull of open shoes as well. I have had to do a wild dance with a cocked .45 while wearing flip flops.:eek:

What movie was the video from? Funny:D

B. Lahey

New member
I've seen it happen too. Quite a few times, actually.

Kinda sorta happened to me one time. Somebody down the firing line let loose a long burst from a 7.62 belt-fed of some sort with powerful and consistent ejection. I got beaned on the side of the head by about a dozen casings, and my shirt collar caught about half of them. Very hot casings. Left me with a necklace of burns all the way around my neck.

I was able to laugh about it, though. It happens sometimes, and there's no way to totally prevent it. It's just a part of shooting.:)


New member
That's why appropriate head wear eye wear and shirt is a must have at a range. Always wear some for of hat with a foward facing brim to give hot brass a less likely chance of falling down your shirt (cowboy hats work great)


New member
Hot brass- Ouch! :eek:

I always wear a long sleeve shirt with a fairly tight fitting neck. If it's a button drop, I button the top button. Over the years, I've had the brass down the neck events. I didn't enjoy them. Also had a few "between the glasses and skin/eye" incidents.

The worst was about 28 years ago. I was a squad leader in a scout unit. We were using the old M151 "Jeep" with mounted M-60s. The gunner let loose with a couple of ten round bursts when we were completing a mounted scout live fire course. I had never thought it through previously. But apparently a lot of the brass hits the guy in the passenger seat on the head and shoulders. A lot of it also falls inside the neck of a BDU shirt. It was an unpleasant experience. ;)


New member
I'll take a boobie burn over the case that lodged between my glasses and my eye lid a couple of years ago, raising a blister on my eye lid. That's a very peculiar feeling when you open your eye...

Having experienced both, I'm not sure I agree. They both suck.

The problem with hot brass isn't that it leaves a blister (though that's certainly both annoying and painful). The problem is that people do dangerous things when startled by it: they jump frantically around with the muzzle waving in all sorts of stupid directions, their hands -- including the trigger fingers -- suddenly clench in surprise or pain, they start reaching into their clothing without getting the gun out of their hands first ... you name it.

For that reason, YES, wear a high necked shirt if you're female. And you need to know that a button-down shirt catches just as much brass as a scoop neck shirt, too. Really, a tee shirt in summer and a turtleneck in winter are almost mandatory if you want to avoid having to do the hot brass dance.

Also, um. If you like crop-cut shirts and low-rise jeans, if the brass goes over your shoulder and rolls down your back, guess where it's gonna lodge? Wear a shirt long enough to prevent that, k?

Next up: that eyelid burn can (and should!) be prevented by wearing glasses that have side shields AND wearing a ball cap at the same time. The side shields protect against brass coming in from the sides (duhr!) and the hat protects against brass dropping behind the glasses from above.

And if a piece of hot brass does surprise you, for Pete's sake get the gun out of your hand before you do the hot-brass dance. Everyone on the range will thank you...


PS That hot-brass dance, by the way, is called either the Bra-zillian Line Dance, or the Cha-Cha. ;)


New member
Pax your correct,I know when the brass went down my shirt and was burning like heck, I had to put the gun down fast to get the brass out of my shirt,while still being safe.

Once spent brass hit my forehead and cut me but because it made me flinch and naturally my body jerked in a defensive way backwards and If I had turned and discharged a FMJ off the concrete wall,that could have been fatal to my self or fellow shooter.

The bottom line unless we lose conciousness, we have to suck it up and be safe at all times.This is one reason why I like dividing walls at indoor ranges.
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