Headin' west to God's Country


New member
The wife and I are getting out of Houston for a long weekend in the Alpine/Ft. Davis area. We'll be attending a barbecue, seeing some old friends, and possibly heading out to the range for some fun. ( see http://www.overland.net/~jlwstark/bbsc.htm )

Hopefully I'll be drinking a Shiner Bock draft at the Railroad Blues tomorrow about 5:00 PM- I feel sorry for y'all who are stuck in Houston or Dallas this weekend! :p


Moderator Emeritus
I'm moving this topic to General Discussion because it isn't about Legal or Political.

<pouting>Of course, my being jealous as hell and not wanting to see this thread all the time to remind me that: I haven't done any shooting in more than a month; I drank my last Shiner three weeks ago; and I haven't heard any good live Blues in three months has nothing to do with my moving it.</pouting>



Have a great time, ckurts! I'll be thinkin' of ya. :)

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Of the folks mentioned at BBSC, Kyp Angel has an FBO at the airport; flies a 182. Henry Ogiltree is a licensed gun dealer and CHL instructor.

Virgil Tripp moved to Alpine from Austin; I think he's set up in gunsmithing. He's in the phone book.

Have fun!



New member
I'm glad you are getting out of Houston for a short (he he) while. I got out 5 yrs ago FOR GOOD. The Deep East Texas Piney Woods sure are nice. I think I'll go out in the back yard and shoot off a couple hundred rounds.

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
true story, a Union Gen. once said "Don't worry about those Rebs. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..SPLAT.

Bob Locke

New member
I grew up in the general vicinity of the Piney Woods (down in Liberty). Going back this Fall to help de-squirrel the forests of my youth with my cousins. :D :D :D

Right after that, I'll be headed to Colorado for good. :D

Munro Williams

New member
Don't go too Far West or you'll wind up in the Far East, like over here in Japan.

Texas sounds great, though, I'm jealous, and I wish you nothing but lots of fun, friends, love, and laughter.

And a year's supply of ammo.

[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited August 17, 2000).]

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Munro, when I was last in Japan, there were around 350 or 360 yen to the dollar, and an Asahi in a bar on the Ginza was around 50 cents... :)

What I like about the West Texas Outback is having a benchrest on the front porch, my claybird launcher C-clamped to the back porch, and a pistol range right at the house. And the shooting table for the 500-yard range some 30 yards from the house...

Last I heard, Rising Sun country wuz a little short of elbow room.

Good luck & best regards, Art

Munro Williams

New member

Right now it's about 108 yen to the dollar, and a beer's about five bucks a pint. Cans are about half that.

Even if guns were legal over here there's no safe place to shoot. Try 125,000,000 people living in about half the space of California.


Texas sounds better and better.