Headed to the range.


New member
The old lady and I are off to the range with some of the collection (figured there are autos and revolvers here, had to go in general handgun, just ignore the 870 for thread purposes).

More pics in a few hours when we get back.



New member
Sure did get our $16.00 worth today. My goals were to shoot about 200 rounds through the full sized S&W1911(got it about three weeks ago on a trade, this was my first chance to shoot it), run a few magazines of older carry ammo through the S&W1911Sc, and finally shoot the Cimarron .357 (Always wanted a single action, this is my first, I've got a lot of getting used to with the one handed grip)

Here is my wife getting ready with the 22/45

This is the Cimarron, 12 shots at 10 yards. That is all me, this gun is capable of a lot more.


40 rounds at 12 yards with the full size 1911. When I do what I am supposed to, this pistol is freakin awesome.


8 rounds at 12 yards with the full size 1911


My wife and the Cimarron, she doesn't like shooting 1 handed.

Cleaning time in the den.


New member
That looks like quite a nice lay-out.
I notice that it looks like there are about 100,000 holes in the ceiling at the range.
I was in Colorado and went to Summit in Cortez in September.
No holes in the ceiling, but it's a fairly new range.
Thanks for sharing your photos.


New member
Funny you mention that, I didn't even notice till I looked at the pictures, that ceiling really is a mess!


New member
I admit I’m a bit prejudiced against most media (radio/tv/newspapers) and I’m playing up to the stereotype a lot of us have about them, but I’m really having fun imagining what their response would have been if they could have seen your photo and then been told it was all for a husband AND WIFE single afternoon of, totally legal, fun on the range.

In my mind many would have been shocked, appalled, outraged and indignant. It might have given a few of them a case of the vapors.

But I bet in the back of almost all their minds would have been a little voice saying ‘I wish I could come too.’


New member
That is a perspective I never really thought of. It really ties in to the whole train of thought where you take an anti shooting, then you'll end up taking them gun shopping. If only, like you said the "media" could see that it really is just an all around good time for everyone.

Sheriff Gotcha

New member
My range has a bunch of holes in the ceiling too. I am a new shooter and try to always keep my "booger hook" off the "bang switch". I guess that's not a common train of thought for all new shooters?

What really got my attention was the bullet hole in the lane divider to the left of me. I didn't check to see if the bullet went through of not but that got me worried about whose next to me when I'm in the range. Guess they can be not as safe as you'd hope them to be.

That's a heck of an arsenal you got there. Can't wait till I can build up enough to have choices. Right now I have only one, but I still love it.


New member
You've got a nice collection there.

With all the bullet holes (right over your head) in the ceiling I'm not sure I'd feel safe shooting there - holy cow!

I'm an RSO at a local club and our indoor range's ceiling was being peppered by recent gunshot (nothing like the photo). We determined that some of the damage was caused by people shooting the Taurus Judge revolver. However most of the damage was being caused by...a range officer practicing his quick draw.