Head-To-Head Carbine Shootout...


New member
I finally got my Hi-Point 4095 Carbine back from Hi-Point. So now I am going to do that head-to-head shootout comparing my Hi-Point 4095, Kel-Tec Sub2000, and my Beretta CX4 Storm. They are all .40 caliber carbines and I thought it would be interesting to see how they compare using the same ammo-PMC 165gr FMJ, at 25 yds. I will shoot all from bench using the iron sights, since only the CX4 is equipped with a scope, to make it fair. I have not adjusted the sights at all, so I will use the same POA for each of 10 rounds each weapon. That way I will be able to compare grouping, if there is any...lol. I will make notes of any problems, and take photos of the numbered/labeled targets and post them here. It may take me a day or two to get to the range since work is crazy. This is not a scientific test, and I am no marksman, but it should be amusing at least. Here are the contenders:

Red Tornado

New member
Excellent plan. I'm considering a 9mm carbine, so I'm really interested in your tests. I just needed to get subscribed to this thread for when you get to the testing.


New member
Mostly just plink with my Hi-Point, but I think you may be pleasantly surprised with its accuracy...I have eysight problems, that make it difficult for me to use iron sights (although the ghost ring on the HP is better for me) and the few time I've shot off the bench, I got pretty good groups...And that was with cheapo ammo (Wolf and/or Blazer)...

Suspect the Beretta to be the best, although who knows by how much...Will be interested in seeing how the Sub-2000 stacks up...


New member
Head-to-Head Carbine Shootout Results Are In!!!!!!!!

Okay guys. I had a couple of free hours and enlisted the help of my lovely wife to load guns and gear, and come along to serve as photog. We arrived at the range and signed in at 11:01. Sunny, breezy, warm, day here in SC. Perfect for the shootout! First I set up my homemade target stand at 25 yds., and taped 3 targets up for the test. Took picture. The upper left target for the Kel-Tec S2K, lower left for the CX4 Storm, and the right target for the Hi-Point. Then my wife Deb, took pics of me loading each of the 3 rifle mags with 10 rounds each, PMC 165gr. FMJ. Here are the control pics and results!

Downrange 25 yds.

me loading CX4

loading Hi-Point

Loading Kel-Tec

Continued next post...Go to next post for last part. Sorry, post is limited to 10 images.


New member
Head-to-Head Shootout Results continued...

firing CX4

firing Hi-Point

firing Kel-Tec

test result targets. As you can see the Kel-Tec (top)was off low/left. CX4 was almost dead on. (bottom)

test result target Hi-Point. And the Hi-Point was high.

Still all-in-all, pretty good groups for first time, no sight adjustments on any of the rifles. And with me behind the trigger, I was pleased to keep em all on the paper. Hope you guys enjoy this and find it at least mildly amusing, if not informative. For me, it was fun. P.S. When we got home from the range, we stopped by the mailbox, my wife reached in and my CC Permit was finally here!! Tah-Dah!!!!!!!!!! :D Shoot well-be safe. Badman-out.


New member
The Keltec sights do adjust. But are literally like those on a paintball gun. They are a pain in the rear to get because of how they adjust. However, mine has stayed adjusted for a few hundred rounds. So despite being paintball tech, they do work. Just will make you utter a few unsavory things in the process.


New member
Shootout Acknowledgements...

In my haste to post the results and get to work on time earlier, I forgot to acknowledge and thank some people. So, here goes; Thanks to Tom and the good people from Hi-Point for their great customer service, great warranty, great product and oh yeah, the free PMC ammo that I used to do this test. Thanks also to Beretta for making the CX4 Storm, a sweet carbine. Thanks to Kel-Tec for making the super cool Sub 2000. Also thanks to the guys on the TFL, Beretta, and Hi-Point Forums for the ideas and interest. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Bad(woman), my wife Deb, for assisting, taking pics, and finally letting me have the Storm back...lol. Here is a pic of Badwoman shooting the pants off of me! :)


And a couple of her targets:

She liked the CX4 so much she almost didn't want to give it up. I've created a monster! She finished off most of the remaining ammo. And when you look at those targets, you understand why I let her have her way...lol. ;) Have to give today's edge to the CX4 Storm for tightest grouping, then the Hi-Point 4095, followed by the Kel-Tec Sub2000. And for felt recoil and shootability, they pan out in that same order. :cool:


New member
Nice, not trying to start a flamewar, but how comefortable was it to shoot all 3. What one did you like best. I have a 995 Hi-Point and I am considering getting a Kel-Tec. (Gota catch them all.:D ) How does the Kel-Tec compare to the Hi-Point?


New member
Crosshair, I'm not sure what this "flamewar?" stuff is all about, but I don't mind answering any questions if I know the answer. To me I honestly like all three of these carbines, though they are different. So, I like them for different reasons. The Kel-Tec is way up on the cool factor list to me with it's folding capability. As far as how it feels, the Kel-Tec has a little sharper recoil than the Hi-Point and feels more "rail-like". Remember that all of my carbines are .40 caliber though, and therefore have more recoil than the 9mm to begin with. But between the three, the CX4, the Hi-Point, and the Kel-Tec; the CX4 was the smoothest-least recoil, then the Hi-Point was next, leaving the Kel-Tec with the most recoil of the three. But I don't want to discourage you in any way, because the difference in recoil from best to worse, is relatively little. Recoil doesn't bother me anyway. I even kinda like it! :) The trigger is a little harder with the Kel-Tec and you have to watch out about shooting from the hip with it, because the cocking handle in on the under-side of the stock. Not a big deal, just have to be aware of the slight difference. I had to have the Subbie when I found out about it, and if you want it, my advice is go for it! You'll be glad you bought it & you'll enjoy it! :cool:


New member
Well, no I meant how some people hate Hi-Points. I was half joking anyway, so never mind.:rolleyes: You answered my question. I thank you for your test and review.


New member
cool write up but you left out one important thing. which one is the "winner"? meaning if you had to choose which one to keep, which would it be? thanks for the write up and pictures.



New member
Badman, Your results will be skewed because I noticed in your control pics you were smoking a cigarette while loading the Hi-point. Now you must do it all over again.:D

Red Tornado

New member
It looks like you were using the scope on the CX4, how much of the tighter grouping can be attributed to that?

Otherwise, your results about shootability were what I expected. But is the Baretta enough better than the HiPoint to justify price difference. (About triple the cost, right?)
Thanks for sharing the range trip with us.


No disrespect, but those bench rest groups at 25 yards are worse than a pistol's with open sights. If that's what those guns are good for, I wouldn't consider buying any of them.


New member

with my Sub 2000, i can cut a 2" ragged hole at 25 yards. maybe he just needs to get used to the rifles. :)


Dave R

New member
Badman, thanks for posting this comparo! I love these kinda threads.

And congratulations on getting your CCW! Sounds like you had a great day.


Yeah, I suspect all these guns are capable of very tiny groups. I'm not sure this comparison is going to be of much use in comparing that aspect.