He flies throught he air with the greatest of ease.....


New member
Just call him "Hoppy"........

One of the more interesting photos taken while hunting last week.



New member
I like my backstraps coated and fried with some onions and maybe a few Morel mushrooms. Fantastic photo. Good job.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Truly neat photo!

Reminds me of a time with my Uncle Joe, maybe sixty years ago. We were Jeeping around his back pasture when he suddenly locked the brakes and grabbed for his rifle. I figured out from where he was aiming what was going on. He'd spotted a buck about the size of the one in the picture, trotting along toward a fence--although our fence was nowhere near as good as the one in the photo. :) Just as the buck jumped the fence about a hundred yards in front of us, Joe broke Bucky's neck.

Thanks for resurrecting that memory from long ago...


New member
Then SOMEONE explain...

when I've tracked a deer, what they do when the prints are up-close and equi-distant on BOTH sides of a three strand fence???

Like they STEPPED through and not hopped or did they jump striaght up and land the samew on other side???


New member
8' fence ? I recently spoke to a fellow who had an 8' fenced in area to keep out whitetails. He said sometimes he sees whitetails inside !
I saw a fence with 12" spacing of barbed wire .A deer had jumped through the strands leaving only a small tuft of hair as proof on a barb.
I was heading back to camp one time an picked up a track .At one point I easily stepped over a fallen tree.The deer had gone under the same tree - and left no mark of his body in the snow !


New member
Great Photo, it's unusual to be able to get one in action like that.

As to JRoth's question, in my limited experience, deer often prefer to step through or under a fence, rather than over, especially if it's not a particularly good fence. I don't know if it's just easier on their feet and joints, or if they are more comfortable on the ground than when jumping or what, but it seems that most deer I see will go out of their way to avoid leaving the ground.


New member
On the 4th of July twelve years ago my brother in law was having a big party. My wife and kids were driving over to his place and we took the long way by gravel to check out the country side. We turned a corner and while I was accelerating a small deer jumped in front of us. The deer crossed the road and then entering the waist high corn, turned and proceeded to run up the 1st row of corn. I sped up to so the car was parallel to the deer. The deer put on a burst of speed and pulled ahead a little bit. I accelerated to match his speed. We played this game a couple of times, then I backed off because I had a feeling that the deer would jump back across the road. Sure enough after I backed off the deer came across the road right in front of us. To our amazement instead of jumping the fence on the opposite side of the road it put its head down and was going to go through the fence. The deer had miscalculated a bit, for the middle of its forehead connected with the top strand of barbwire, the wire stretched to about 2 1/2 to 3 feet past normal. The wire reaching a point of stretching no more along with the momentum of the running deer sent the deer into a back flip over the top of the wire. It landed on its feet and kept running no worse for the wear except fore maybe a couple of barb wire holes in its head.