HD shotgun for pheasants?


New member
anyone know if there is a law stating that you can only have a certain number of shells in a shotgun while hunting pheasants?

waterfoul it's 3 (mag plug) and that's the only instance I know.

If it doesn't matter I would probably get a semi auto and fit it for HD and take it hunting too. Maybe turkey if I put a scope on it (Know a guy who does this only uses his HD scattergun for deer)


New member
Its the same here, the waterfowling conservation act in the UK states that you cant shoot pheasants with a gun capable of more than 3 shots...

Sadly we cant just plug it thou.... we have to have a seperate SG for that.:(


New member
In Illinois it's three shells (in shotguns) for everything, pheasants, doves, deer, etc. And you darn sure better have a plug in the gun in case you get checked.


New member
Same thing here in Ohio. Three shots, max for hunting. No problem for me since I shoot SxS doubles.

When we got a permit to shoot at the Mosquito Creek wildlife area, there was a limit of 10 shells/person, and the ODNR officer came around to make sure you weren't trying to hide extra shells.

They make the rules, and I play by them.

B. Adams

New member
Here in South Dakota, there is no limit on the number of shells you can have in your gun. I don't know about anywhere else though.

Jeff Mulliken

New member
I'm not sure why you would want to carry around the extra weight of a bunch of shells in your gun. It makes more sense to put them in your pockets.

If your into so many pheasants that you empty your 3 shells and miss the chance at others because you can't reload fast enough then you should focus on hitting the birds you shoot at, not just slinging more lead.



New member
In Illinois it's three shells (in shotguns) for everything, pheasants, doves, deer, etc. And you darn sure better have a plug in the gun in case you get checked.

It's the same for Missouri. HD?.......Would you need more than three?