Hawken bought groceries today


New member
A young doe from about 65 yards. Yeah I know my truck is a catchall.:D



New member

Looks like a good shot and picture composition. This one should eat well. ... :)
Are those soda or pop cans ??

Nice work and;
Be Safe !!!


New member
Are those soda or pop cans ??

Soda pop :p Actually that's the remnants of a case of Diet Coke that I had bought before my surgery that were forgotten until I got out and started walking. They all swelled and some burst. Most of the full ones got used for targets. The rest will be.:D


New member
That's a good eater Hawg. Congrats!

I like your truck.
Just looking at the pics., you're ready for anything....get thirsty,you got pop...hole in radiator,you got a spare,...need battery jumped, got cables...want to tie girlfriend up,your prepared... get hungry after tie'ing girlfriend up, you got venison. :D


New member
I like the classic lines style and feel of the traditional BP rifles. I especially like the smell of BP when you shoot.

Did you use BP or the synthetic.

Mine Hawken is a TC kit I built in 1977. It shoots great.


New member
I used 90 grains of Pyrodex and a .530 round ball. Mine was built from scratch by a dude in Indiana name of Mike Lange.


New member
Congrats Hawg . . . . I knew I hadn't seen Bambi for a while.

Don't apologize for the truck . . . just shows that it's a working truck . . . your's looks uncluttered compared to my farm truck.

Nice shot . . . . I'll bet you're having venison for the holidays! Thanks for sharing the photo and good luck on your future hunts!