Having trouble with my...


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HK VP9. I got it a few months ago and noticed when I shoot it it shoots low. My groups are good, just about a good 12 inches low of point of aim. I first thought it was a bad day. But I went back, same thing. Went back again, same thing. I've never had this problem before and am not sure what to do. Anyone else report issues like this?

Thanks for any advice/input.

Happy Labor Day.


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The H&K pistols tend to shoot to the center of the white dot as a "combat sight"
I've noticed SIGs tend to do the same.

Make sure you aren't flinching by anticipating and pulling down on the grip.


New member
I was shooting at 10 yds. I have a couple of SIGs and never had this issue. I've got a 226 and M11-A1. As best I can tell, I'm not flinching or jerking. Guess I'll just keep working it out.


New member
I wasn't shooting from a bag but I rested my arm on the bench. The shots were still low.

Could the sights need adjusting?


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The answer to needing to adjust sights is usually no... As it is 99% of the time, the shooter causing the problem.

Shoot with the muzzle rested at 10yds, and try the different sight picture holds.

Walt Sherrill

New member
TunnelRat said:
A foot low at 10 yds as a result of the sights would require a comically large front sight.

I don't think it would be comically tall , but it would higher than needed. But a too-low rear sight wouldn't be all that noticeable -- and that is a possibility. And, as TunnelRat notes, the sight picture IS important. See "Proper Sight Picture for VP9", below.


To compensate for a foot LOW point of impact at 10 yards, you'd need a SHORTER front sight (to raise the barrel end), or a taller rear sight (to lower the back end).

How much shorter front or taller rear? It depends on the sight radius (which the H&K website says is 6.38").


Using the tool above (click on the first image to open a working model)

you'd enter amount of error = 12"
sight radius = 6.38"
distance to target = 360" (30 yds = 36" x 10)
and the result would be a .213" lower front sight or .213" higher rear.

(Note: front sight moves in opposite direct of the desired point of impact, while rear sight moves in the direction of desired the point of impact.)

If it turns out to actually be the sight, H&K will probably send you a new, higher rear sight for free. (They may not have a front sight that is THAT MUCH lower.)


The VP9 is a service pistol, and when used, you should have the dots aligned to assure that front and rear sights are even, with the TOP of the sights centered on the center of the desired point of impact, and not the dots. You should not be using something like the 6 O'clock hold (so you can see the entire target area, as it the case with some types of shooting.) You'll see this in the image, below.

Not all service pistols call for the same sight picture, although many seem to be the same: the devil is in the details. Glock, which use a white outline around the rear notch, calls for the front sight to be half a dot above the top of the rear sights. Some guns call for the dots to be aligned on the MIDDLE of the desired point of impact -- which would give a higher point of impact if used with the H&K VP9. If you're doing exactly as recommended by the Operator's Manual and still hitting low, you probably do need to get a higher rear sight.

If it turns out to be the sights, you may choose to change out sights on the VP9 so that all of your guns use the same sight pictures, if the VP9 uses one different from what you're used to...

From the manual V9 Operator's manual:

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New member
If it turns out to actually be the sight, H&K will probably send you a new, higher rear sight for free. (They may not have a front sight that is THAT MUCH lower.)

I'm not even sure they have different height stock sights for the VP9 as I've never heard of someone getting one, but the manual does mention it so I guess they do. Could call and find out of course.

In the dozen or so HKs I owned I feel like I used something closer to Sight Picture 3 than Sight Picture 2, but it seems Sight Picture 2 is suggested by the manual for the VP9. Of course maybe those other pistols had different points of aim as I only had one VP9 and not for a long time. Also come to think of it I replaced all the stock sights with Meprolights pretty quickly too. I definitely think it's worth it to the OP to play around with the sight picture though if he/she hasn't done so already.

Edit: Front sight heights

VP9 Shooting Low

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New member
Thanks for the input. Next time I get to the range I'll try everything I can. This is my first HK.

I don't like selling anything until I've given it a real good shot. I've got several SIGs and when I was looking at the VP9 I was also looking at the G19.


New member
It might benefit you to get some dummy rounds and have someone else load your magazines, inserting a couple of the dummy rounds into the mags.

You might find that the new (to you) grip angle, trigger reach and trigger pull are causing you to anticipate the recoil before the gun actually fires (but so close to it that you don't have time to either see the sights dip, or realize that you're pushing/depressing the muzzle in anticipation of recoil).


New member
It might benefit you to get some dummy rounds and have someone else load your magazines, inserting a couple of the dummy rounds into the mags.

You can do this yourself too. Intersperse the dummies in with the real and use more than one magazine. Then jumble the magazines in your hands without looking at them and you should be caught by surprise. If you still know where every dummy round is after that please pm me and we'll take a vacation to Vegas.


New member
I was also shooting low with my March-purchase VP9 using a top of front blade sight picture.

I was following the manual which also seems to show a top of blade hold.

I did some research into HKs, and discovered they are zeroed at the factory for a middle of the dot or I guess it is called "combat hold" sight picture. Once I changed to "cover the dot", my groups were more or less centered on the bull.

I'm not sure why the VP9 manual has that particular image referenced above, but my experience, and a lot of others who would know better than I, is that you shoot the VP9 with a combat hold.

By the way, after I switched out the glow in the dark sights for Trijicon HDs, the POI did not shift i.e. it was still a center of the dot hold.

This is my first post here. Hope this helps.


PS Picture is at the range yesterday, 3 yards, center of dot hold. Ammo was a 147 minor pf reload from a local Armory here in Tampa. Yes I am left handed lol.


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Walt Sherrill

New member
A heavier bullet (147 gr.) will also raise the point of impact a little, but at the distance shown in the photo, it shouldn't have THAT much effect.


New member
you are not alone, my VP9 shoots low left as well, sights were off. yes shooter had a lot to do with it, shot off bags etc. it ended up being a sight issues


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It's nice to hear I'm not alone. I was thinking it was just me and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

I'll try the combat sight picture (getting the front sight to obscure the target) and see if that makes a difference.

I'm just not sure I want something that deviates from what I'm already used to.

*I'm also irritated with how difficult/expensive it is to find spare P30 mags.


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Midway had mags at (hk) reasonable prices.

The VP9 manual says that it's sighted in for 25m, so any other range will be a different hold.


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I had the same issue with a USP 45 years ago, I couldn't get it on the paper at 21ft all my shots were going way low. Can't use a 6 o'clock sight picture with them.

I think TunnelRat has the solution for you with sight image 3.