haveing protected bird feathers


New member
a friend who had picked up feathers off dead birds he found while hunting,hawks,owls amoung others(thank god no eagle feathers). gave them to his young son made dream weaver,s with the feathers and gave them to his friends at school. some how the game commision found out about it and got a warrent to search his house, he was not home when they came(three officers),well they trashed his house as he was not their to complain and found a few feathers and he now faces very high fines for possion of the feathers. so if you find dead birds do not take any parts home with you as it can cost you a lot of money and grief. eastbank.


New member
Yep. The law is federal, and was passed to protect raptors. Folks were killing them for the feathers, and once the feathers are plucked they don't have any way to know whether it was killed or died from natural causes.

If you want feathers, pluck game birds, or raise a few chickens or pheasants.

Picking up feathers from raptors can get you in all sorts of trouble.



New member
Just for clarification, under the migratory bird act, all native species are protected the same way. Exceptions are made for legally hunted birds. Though I have heard it is kind of a grey area for legally hunted birds.

Uncle Buck

New member
I had an Aunt who was visited by someone (Do not remember the agency they represented) because she had a bunch of song bird feathers. Luckily, they let her off and she no longer collects them.

Prof Young

New member
Barred Owl


A few years back I made the mistake of picking up a freshly road killed barred owl and taking it up to my colleagues in the biology dept. Fortunately one of them knew to call the local game warden, explain the whole thing and get the right paper work to legally have it. (He didn't use my name!) I think it's still in the freezer waiting to be made into a mount. I was lucky. Having illegal raptor feathers is a big deal and very illegal.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young