Have you tried this concealment method?


New member
From today's Ann Landers column: "Surgeons operated on a woman in Bogota, Colombia, who smuggled an automatic pistol into a high-security prison by concealing it in her rectum. The woman slipped the pistol past security checks at the Bogota prison while visiting a suspected leftist rebel prisoner. Once inside, she realized the gun was stuck. Claiming she was pregnant, the 43-year-old woman complained of stomach pains and was taken to a hospital. She stayed there for three days. Surgeons removed the pistol after she confessed to the real cause of her discomfort." I am dying to know the make and if they test-fired it. John


New member
There's little humor in this tragic situation. The level of profit involved in the drug trade has created levels of violence that makes even the cold hearted squeamish.

So many pistols, so little money.


New member
Well, we already know the gun "failed to eject"! :D Sometimes I kill me...


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
From a 1978 police textbook...a woman had successfully concealed a Colt Python (6" or 4", I wonder) in her vagina. The gun was not discovered till after she was booked. I wonder if it was loaded and usable.


New member
Setting a "hole" new standard for retention holsters.

Lexol or K-Y?

With the tension screw that tight you really dont need a thumb snap unless you just like a little leather under your hammer when you're cocked and locked.


New member
Maybe it was that new "gas" gun.

I hope they weren't TOO rough on her. After all, she was only just shooting from the hip.

Ed Brunner

New member
Regardless of the subject, we do have some funny folks on TFL. Being simple minded, I wonder if she filed off the sights.

Better days to be,



New member
I wonder if it was a stainless gun?



I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The woman slipped the pistol past security checks at the Bogota prison[/quote]

Hehehe... That ain't the only thing the gun slipped past...