Have you ever shot at someone?


New member
There's been a lot of discussion here as "what's the best defense gun", and "what's the best defensive load" that I can't help but ask, have you (outside of law enforcement) ever pointed a loaded gun at someone, and for that matter, pulled the trigger? In my 53 years, I never have. Yes, I keep a loaded .38 in my bedroom, and keep my doors locked. Please be honest in your answers.

Rusty Stud

New member
yeah, bout 20 or so... but with a gamo 177.cal bb pistol, AMAZING practice in dark flooded wharehouse. and trust me you wont want to get shot with one of those 15 freakin TIMES! OUCH!
(sorry, gay war stories probibily not what you were looking for.)


New member
This would have made a great poll question!

I have never shot at a person. Only targets, bottles, plywood, tires, and game.


New member
I shoot people all the time. Water guns, paintball guns, airsoft guns. Never a real gun though. I have been shot by one of them bean bag shotgun shells once. It hurt. :(


New member
I respect all of you guys from all US military services who have helped keep this country free. There is a young man (one of my shooting buddies) who is currently stationed in Iraq. I've taught him as much as I could, but I hope he never has to raise a gun at someone else.


New member
Plenty of simmunition (think of an 8mm paintball propelled by gunpowder: it hurts, but is damn fun!) and airsoft BBs.

While off the coasts of various middle eastern countries, I've had my M2, Mk38, or M60 loaded and pointing at various suspiciuos small craft, but I've never shot any live rounds at anyone.


New member
pointed a loaded gun at someone, and for that matter, pulled the trigger?


Would I have pulled the trigger?


It was years ago, and I had a lot more to live for.
I'm not so sure anymore though.
In the aftermath of Katrina me and my FIL did. A group of looters were stealing gas out of our generator, and when we tried to run them off they started firing pistols at us. So we shot back. My FIL is a pretty tuff old guy, he's a 'nam vet. He was shaken up but not near as bad as I was afterwards. I remember my mouth was dry, I couldnt stop stuttering, my hands were wet and shaking, and my heart was pounding so loud I could hear it and feel it in my head. I hope I am never in that situation again as long as I live.:eek:


New member
High stomach, right lung then just over his heart, two in the door behind him, one never found, probably in the ocean. That was my lesson on paying attention to detail. Serves me well today