Have you ever been dissatisfied with a pair of custom boots?


New member
Does anybody have any horror stories, or tales of disappointment with custom boots?

Last year, I decided to order a pair of custom boots from Nick's. After getting the measurements and foot tracings taken care of, life happened. The order was never placed, and I fell back on my not-so-comfortable military issue boots (I have sooooo many pairs of steel-toe boots, combat boots, and flyers' boots to wear out, it's not funny...).

Now, I'm ready to order again, but wanted to see if there was 'another side' to all the fantastic reviews people give custom boots.

If anyone was wondering, I'm planning on ordering something from Russell's Moccasins, this time. I'm undecided as to whether I should go with a straight hunting boot, or build a compromise boot in a dual-purpose hunter/stalker, though.


New member
I had a pair of custom boots made by an old German bootmaker in Sunnyvale, CA, lasted for about 9 years. I would recommend everyone own a pair if they can afford them.


New member
Had a couple pair -- some cowboy boots I got 20 years ago to wear when I needed something a little dressy (I wore ONLY boots back then) and some nice engineer style boots as well.

Still have both pair, don't wear boot much anymore but they wear well and fit well.


New member
Unless your looking for English Riding boots, cant help you, their the only customs I have (5 pair). I still muck around with my old issued boots in the barn though.


New member
Franken, back in 1983 the U.S. Government,(Loosely of course) issued me two pair of their finest custom boots. The man at the start of the line said they were the very best made, and they were made for me!!!:rolleyes:Those dudes proceeded to tear my poor feet up for the next six years!!!:eek::D FWIW Bass-Pro has the Irish-Setters hunting boots on sale for 70 bucks!;)


New member
Franken, back in 1983 the U.S. Government,(Loosely of course) issued me two pair of their finest custom boots. The man at the start of the line said they were the very best made, and they were made for me!!!Those dudes proceeded to tear my poor feet up for the next six years!!!

I hate to say it, but one of the most comfortable pair of boots I have ever owned, was a pair of issued flyers' boots. They seemed to have been partially completed at the factory, and slipped through quality control without reinforcement in the upper. I loved them... until one of my "friends" thought it would be funny to hit the steel toe cap with a sledge hammer. He skinned all the leather off the entire toe of my favorite boot. ...No longer serviceable.

I had to go back to standard ill-fitting crap. :mad:


New member
I have had 2 pair of Nick’s Forester boots of which I have already had one pair rebuilt after wearing the sole out. I have to say that they are much better than any other factory boots that I have bought including Redwings (although the redwings were pretty good). I am in the field of Wildland Fire fighting and have given these boots a true test from the Mountains of NC (Home), to Nevada, and everywhere between. They make a tough boot although you pay$$$ for it. Another brand to consider is Drew’s Boots which makes boots like nicks but slightly less expensive. I had a pair of Drew’s when I first started Wildland fire fighting and was as fully satisfied with them as I am with the Nicks. I only wear Nicks now due to my place of work supplying them.;)