Have We Lost the Battle for Sanity?

Munro Williams

New member
Bush could not wallop Gore. The election is still too close to be called. Hillary has been elected to the Senate. Nader and the Greens took about 3% of the vote.

Gore's flat, controlled affect, and his carefully contrived, staged public persona indicates a man whose fundamental questions are always "Am I really me?" and "Who am I now?" When he's not regurgitating pre-digested text, he sounds delusional. He acts like a mental patient who has just been allowed to light his own cigarettes. Nevertheless, Bush may not have defeated him. Gore won the popular vote. Most Americans prefer Gore. Even if Bush has defeated Gore in Florida and takes the White House, can there be any doubt that most Americans have some mental health problems, that they prefer a border-line psychopath for president?

A brief glance of the Green platform reveals a plan for the totalitarian regimentation of all phases of life. No human activity will be outside the control of the State. Yet no mention was made of this in the mainstream media, and at worst, Nader and his supporters are seen as spoilers. Does this not indicate, at least, an indifference to totalitarianism by the cultural power elite, and the millions who would have voted Green, had they not found that the Green agenda could be better promoted through the Democratic Party?

Hillary will be a Senator. She will, in a few years' time, be poised for an assault on the White House, much as Bobby Kennedy was in '68. Lazio was unwilling or unable to demonstrate her essentially Socialist view of life. He was unable to best her on his own ground.

Let us presume the best, and imagine that Bush actually carries Florida. This still leaves our flank wide open: Hillary will be the standard bearer for the Democratic party in '04. Now, Hillary is notorious for her shrewdness and implacability. She will, in the best possible scenario, confront Bush for the presidency in four years from now.

But the contest between Bush and Gore is still so close as to be unpredictable. If Bush is unable to smash so obvious a lunatic as Gore, does anyone think he will actually be able to trounce Hillary, who is as beautiful and as deadly as a sea snake?

From my perspective, we may be in the Waterloo campaign: Napoleon was defeated at Quartre Bras, but Blucher was defeated at Ligny. The Allied flank was threatened, and Wellington had to retreat to Waterloo, where, as he called it, there was a "pounding match," a "near run thing" upon which the future of civilization wavered until twilight.

The real battle is yet to be fought. We are in real danger of losing. Gore may well be a feint, with the real trap waiting to be sprung by the Senator from New York.


[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited November 08, 2000).]

Jay Baker

New member
Gore? Hitlery? What difference does it really make??

More than 50% +/- of the American people, voted to enslave themselves (and us), in the completion of the Great Brave New Marxist Socialist Police State Uoptia, which has been being put into place, slowly, slowly, slowly but surely, for the past 90 years.

The destuction of our Rights, Freedom, and Liberty, is inevitable, just as it has always been with any country which has tried "freedom", in the history of Mankind.

2,000 A.D., 2,004, 2,008.....? It's a done deal, because the idiotic bliss ninnies who've been being brainwahshed with the communistnazi ideology for many years, have decided we all must live under the boot of our King.

Human Nature Never Changes. Ultimate Power will always out.


Payette Jack

New member
That's pretty good articulatin' there.

Check into Robert Kocher's work. Should be easy to find on the web. Yes, all this is symptomatic of a delusional, mentally ill society.

The fact that Hillary could have won an elected office ANYWHERE after the abuses of the last 4 years is evidence enough that we're on the downhill slide of civilization.

Munro Williams

New member
Thanks, there, for your compliment, Payette. Yes, indeed, I follow Kocher's work a whole lot.

I think the best link is:

This is all the stuff he's written for Laissez-Faire City Times

Start at the bottom and work your way up. This is the equivalent of doctoral level lessons in psychology, history, and political science.


Gopher a 45

New member
Yes indeed we have lost the fight for sanity. The best that we can hope for is that the country splits up while there are still a few vestiges of freedom left. Of course that would precipitate large amounts of bloodshed.

I too am a big fan of Kocher's work. It sounds like he's getting a bit fed up lately with beating his head against the wall and nobody paying attention. He sure did call the outcome of both the Bush/Gore and Clinton/Lazio debacles right on the money, though, didn't he?

Is your desire to help others great enough to cause you to actually help them, or is it only great enough to compel you to force others to do so?


In a way, I don't like that topic.. Sanity.. have we all lost it. I pride myself on not being sane.. doing stupid, in the face of most, things but still getting away with it.. due to the fact it's all in the order of FREEDOM! No, those people aren't insane, they have an agenda, one that will destroy us and put us under another ruling class. Insane yes, frustated, yes.. willing to be me, 100%.


*note: I'd lost my sanity along time ago.. but still, should I be free or am I just another Jerry freak?....


"Why do you call me mad??"

"why... If you weren't mad, would you be here???


New member
Munro, so you think, Bush should just say yes and give it to Gore, because I dont want to face the most intelligent woman in the world.
I dont think so.

And yet...it moves
(Galileo Galilie)

"Spay or Neuter your Socialist Pets"


I'm terribly afraid we are at the end of the age of sanity.It is remarkable how well George Orwell predicted the way the world would end up.

A large part of the world is already socialist.The rest is mainly composed of rabble that have been murdering each other for thousands of years over religious affiliation.We are the last bastion of freedom left-we're already doling out billions of dollars every year in "foreign aid" to socialist countries to try to save their collapsing economies.

The "UN"(which is nothing without the U.S.) wants us to join the other socialists so they can "redistribute" our wealth.Our "President" is a socialist,and wants to help speed the process.

So,now our election is being manipulated by the liberal media in the socialists' favor.They couldn't win,so now they've started this other nonsense.We're doomed!I only hope that the end of freedom waits until I die to come.

Gopher a 45

New member
JMBrowning: Now what fun would that be if you don't get to see the end of the world's greatest (and possibly last) experiment in liberty?

I'm in a bit of a funk today, as you can tell, but I'm reminded of a movie I just saw, "Armageddon" which was really quite bad. However, I'm thinking of the scene where Steve Buscemi is shouting, "C'mon! We got front row seats to the end of the world!!"

Substitute "United States" for "world" and you've got it in a nutshell.

Is your desire to help others great enough to cause you to actually help them, or is it only great enough to compel you to force others to do so?

Munro Williams

New member

This is a chess game where the opposition has sacrificed a queen in order to achieve checkmate ten moves in the future. There is no way an inept dunderhead like Bush can confront Hillary. He lost the popular vote. If folks are nutty enough to vote for so obviously demented man such as Gore, you can bet the farm that they will swarm like flies to the honey pot for Hillary. Bush is an ideological vacuum. Hillary's neo-Marxism will fill that vacuum. Think, man, think! These people want total control over everyone's every thought, word, and deed. They have declared war on the USA, the Constitution, the Declaration, and everything good, sane, and just.

These people MUST be taken seriously!!

At this rate, if Bush wins with Hillary the Senator from New York, it's checkmate in four years, and civil war to follow. Read the history and philosophy of totalitarians! They are dedicated to our destruction.

Get ready for the contemplation camps.



New member

I guess i`ve lost my sanity also, lets give it to Bore now as you suggest and start the Civil War now, why wait.

Will you be coming back to the states to join in.

And yet...it moves
(Galileo Galilie)

"Spay or Neuter your Socialist Pets"

Munro Williams

New member
Gore is fundamentally an unpleasant borderline psychopath who drifts in and out of reality. This would become obvious in less than a year. He wouldn't last a single term. Hillary, on the other hand, has a dynamic personality and is a cold blooded, calculating ideologue. She would cream Bush, who has no ideology. That's the reality of the political war we're in. It's still political. Any other talk is irresponsible just now. It's too early to start shooting. You should be able to figure that out. Lexington and Concord this election certainly ain't.

[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited November 12, 2000).]