Have I committed a crime?

Harry Callahan

New member
Hello all. Many years ago when I was in my 20s I bought a shotgun from a buddy of mine who died some years ago. Being an irresponsible kid I wasn't really concerned with any legalities. I just knew a great deal when I saw one so I went ahead and bought it. It is a police riot gun from the '50s or '60s. Perfect HD gun. Should I worry about getting it properly transferred, and if so how would I do that when the seller has passed away? I feel kind of ashamed that I didn't go through the proper process at that time but want to make it right now.:eek:



"Senior Member"? "2006"? Hmmmmmm. If you don't know, I don't know. I wouldn't ask or tell. Most shotguns don't have a lot of rifling, usually. Pick up your hulls, Matey.


Staff In Memoriam
I don't think any legal issues for how you bought it exist. I also think it can be sold so long as it ain't stolen.


that's a chicago specific question, but there is no way I would ever register any of my guns voluntarily


New member
Well, kudos for you for doing the legal thing. I don't know the answer to your question nor would I pretend to give you advice save for the following: talk to an attorney about firearms transfer laws in Illinois or call the NRA -- they may have advice for you as well.

dirty magazine

New member
Definitely check the IL laws, but I think with private sales, you are required to show your FOID card and your friend has to keep a record of it for 10 years. The seller has the responsibility of maintaining the paper trail.

Are there any other issues besides the paperwork? Barrel length? Modifications? Etc.?


New member
From my admittedly rusty reccolection of IL law (got the heck out of there six years ago), you're OK. FTF trasfers are perfectly legal although the FOID card requirements and waiting periods still apply. Of course, there may be some local ordinance that we're not aware of, but from a state and federal perspective you're not a criminal.


New member
I don't have any knowledge of the laws there, but I sure wouldn't put it into HD service until I had absolutely definitive answers to those questions you posted. If it is all you have, I guess using it would be better than dying at the hands of a perp, however.


New member
The legalities of a registered firearm will differ from county to county. If you are in Cook county, you MAY be okay. Chicago DOES require the registration of all guns (do you think that really happens?). The registration process was put into effect in '82 (right?), and subsequent registrations or turn-ins followed, so you are applicable. We do have a precedent of home self-defense, though, in IL. If you are forced to use your weapon in your home on an assailant, you cannot be prosecuted. The DA's are lockjawed on this.

Private transfers and sales are okay in IL, as long as it is done with your FOID information. No background checks and waiting periods will apply in FTF.

My best advice? While it may NOT be what you want to hear, but I think the whole "What gun?" scenario applies here.

Hope it helps.