Have gas prices cut your shooting?


New member
Be really great to hear from some gun/ammo store owners. Just curious. It has cut my shooting. I know I used to just for a lark get in the car ..whenever... and just go out in the sticks and pop some caps for a few minutes or an hour and now I think about the trip. I may still do it, but not as often as before.



New member
Anything that cuts into my finances restricts my shooting. When I have to give something up for lack of funds, shooting is the first thing to go - it isn't the cheapest hobby and I don't really spend any other disposable income "on myself" - any other money that doesn't go to necessities keeps my girlfriend and I entertained, thought that doesn't cost much.


New member
My two cents on this...

any other money that doesn't go to necessities keeps my girlfriend and I entertained, thought that doesn't cost much.

Syntax360, I think that goes for anyone who's in a close relationship.;) As for gas cutting into shooting, not really for me, because most of the indoor ranges are close to me, and there is one outdoor range about 15 minutes from my house. However, if it came down to it, I'd bicycle to the range!! Then again, I don't shoot as often as I'd like because I've got to pay for school, and other necesseties. Ah the joys of being a poor working college student, but honestly I wouldn't trade it for the world it's like a second childhood only your parents aren't in the way all the time!!:)



Not really since the range is only 5 min. from my house. Reloading my own has cut costs some, but I've had to give up my expensive hobbies...like owning a boat or flying around for fun in a rented Cessna.:D
Gas prices moslty cut my "excessive" travel. Like going to my or my wifes parents house everyother weekend or driving out to the farm just to screw around. It cuts inot my shooting a littel but not a lot. Mostly i just quit shooting my .375 H&H.



New member
Yep. $3.00 a gallon hurts. What hurts more is the increase in medical insurance costs. Those have eaten up every raise I've made in the last five years.

As the pinch gets tighter, I've had to be creative with my funds. So far, I still get to shoot as much as ever, but trouble looms in the future if this keeps up.

The Guy

New member
$3 bucks a gallon cut into my DRIVNG, not my SHOOTING.:D

So I drive into the big city(s) less often, stay longer when I'm there, and plan to buy more stuff for the month ahead than for a week or two ahead. No good reason to EVER cut back shooting!:D


New member
Not yet. I have a range that lets me shoot for free about 10 minutes from the house. Ammo cost is another story.


New member
why else do you think I'm home and on the computer on a saturday afternoon?
that and it's 100 degrees with 85% humidity outside.


New member
It has definitley ruined mine. It costs too much to jump in the truck and head up to the mountain. I used to do this almost every weekend. But now its too expensive. So I just go to the local rifle range. Which isnt as fun but will do for now. :mad:


New member
Bad as I hate to say it, yes. And my fishing, too. Point is, there are just some things that you have to do, and some things that while you'd like to do you can get by with doing without or cutting back on. For me, it isn't so much the fuel to get to the range, since it is only a couple of miles away, but because non-discretionary driving costs more and that money has to come from somewhere -- in this case, from the ammo and fishing budget. In my case, shooting has been curtailed to a certain extent and fishing has all but ceased. Good thing .22 ammo is cheap and I reload just about everything else.

Ya' just gotta do what ya' gotta do.


New member
The cost of gasoline, coupled with the increased ammo costs, have combined to curtail my shooting my 40's and 45's. It has also caused me to limit my trips to the range to 2x a month. I shoot my 9mm's alot more, and my revolvers as well. Some of my shooting partners, have purchased .22 semi auto's and revolvers, so they can keep going every week. I'm envious of the cost of 22 ammo. IIRC $6 for 500 rounds! I'm looking for a S&W M18 4" so I can enjoy more trips with them. Regards 18DAI.

629 shooter

New member
Has not affected my shooting time even though the range is 38 miles away. As long as the weather is nice enough I always include a range session on the weekend. Also helps that my car is rated at 39MPG.


New member

My local indoor range is about 8 miles away, and my friend's farm is about 40 miles away. To me, it wouldn't matter if gas was $10/gal so long as I could go shoot tin cans with my buds. Unless I'm shooting one of the .22s, I'm probably spending somewhere around $50 for ammo, so what's a few gallons of gas.


New member
No, but ammo prices sure as heck have. Living in government quarters, I can't reload...and living in MD I can't have it shipped in. Prices here sucked when I first got here, and they've only gotten worse over the last year.


New member
Have gas prices cut your shooting

Gas prices have cut my driving, however, since I am able to shoot on my property, I still get into my shooting. The only thing though, is the drive to buy more Ammo. But, I usually stock up so I don't have to make too many trips.
I live out in the country, my makeshift shooting range is just a couple of miles away, neighbors 90 acre ranch.:D Whoo-hooo!!. Ironically, gas prices have forced me to cut back on 4 wheeling my Jeep out here in Colorado, $3.00 a gallon at 12 miles per gallon gets real expensive. So what has taken its place? Shooting!!:D Ammo is quite a bit cheaper than gas!:D :D