Have attitudes changed all that much?


New member
I don't watch TV. I listen to talk radio almost exclusively, and get my news from the web. From time to time I see/hear somebody say how the 9/11 attacks, our response to them, and the subsequent anthrax appearances have affected the American people in how they deal with each other.

"They" say that Americans are more polite to each other than they were, and more considerate to each other. That there is an undercurrent of fear reflected by the dramatic increase of gun sales across the country.

Do you agree? Is this really happening where you are?

After the first two weeks or so after the WTC attacks, I haven't seen much of a change in peoples' behavior. Where I am, they still drive like homicidal maniacs, shop like Marines taking a hill, and don't seem to know anything about what's going on beyond their immediate surroundings, much less care.

There's no structured shooting range within 50 miles of where I am. Everybody just goes out into the forest and bangs away. So, I can't really say that there is a great increase of new gun owners out there trying to figure out which end of the barrel the bullet comes out at the range. We ain't got no range!

What about you? Have you seen a lot more newbies at your favorite firng place? Does it seem like business as usual where you are?


New member
I know that gun sales at my local gun shops have been up since the Trade Center attacks.

I know that Rio has been busy, and not just with guys getting ready for the hunting season.

I know that the people that were pleasant to be around before the attacks are still pleasant to be around today. Those that weren't, still aren't.

The sheeple are still sheeple, and still running scared from their responsibility for their own lives and safety.

I guess it's business as usual.


New member
In this area of Texas not much change,perhaps
a little less shopping, however people are as
impolite as ever sorry to say this is a problem
that has increased over the past 10 years in my