Have 225, why do I want a 228?


New member
As the title states, I have a 225 and it is my third favorite 9mm. I also have a 226 and it is actually pretty far down on the list as far as guns I like. But I do like the feel of the 228 and the gun shop has one for 550 or so. Dunno that I just have new pistol fever or there is some other reason at the edge of my brain I just can't solidify. Missing something?


New member
As the Nike slogan says, "Just do it."
Sometimes you've just got to splurge..
You can never have to many guns,or even Sigs for that matter...:p


New member
I've got a P228 with plenty of hi-caps :D , and want another one. Should have bought one at the summer gun show for $569. I'm going to look for one at the fall show during Thanksgiving. If I find a SS one I'm buying it on the spot.
The local gun shops never seem to have them and want an arm and leg to order them - ~700 :mad:


New member
The 225 & 226 are fine examples from Sig. Unless you need a concealed carry piece, the 228 may be a bit redundant. Really depends on what use you have planned for this gun.

1911A1 fan

New member
Why not?

If we all just had guns that we needed the gun companys would all go chapter 11 ! Unlike ex wifes and bills you can never have enough guns.:D


Moderator Emeritus
P-228 CCW's about as well as the P-225, but with 50% more ammo aboard.

If you see through this thin attempt at rationalization, you can always fall back on "Because I don't have one yet and I want one". (That always works for me... ;) )


New member
I doubt I'll carry it as I am a bit of a power snob but dont let this remark let anyone think a 229 is even a remote possibility. I posted a thread on another forum about buying a celebratory handgun and had a short list of pistols I was considering. All 9mm. All capable of accepting 11+ magazines. An offering to Fate in hopes that the mag ban will go away (though I personally don't think it will). I decided that the 228 was the one I really wanted from the list but then the 225 business makes me wonder if it's worth it. Thanks for the replys.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
IMHO, the Sig-Sauer P228 is the best 9m/m semi-auto
ever made.:cool: :D :) Especially, when you have high
capacity magazines for it.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I go the other way with this dilemma. I have a 228 Why do I need a 225? I dont know why I want a 225, I just do.:eek:


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New member
Because we live in a free country* and you can.

*Except Hawaii, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington D.C. and New York City.:barf: