Haunted guns


New member
Kinda strange I know but i was talking to someone I knew and he claimed the he had bought M1 Garand it shot great but afterwords he claimed he started having dreams of where that someone with that rifle was killing people with it. After many nights of waking up in a cold sweat he finally sold it. And has been reluctant to buy one ever since. So I was just curious if anyone else has known others having something like that happening. This is not a zombie thing I dont get into that sort of thing I just found this story a little odd.
Sara Winchester was so haunted by the ghosts of the people killed with her husband's rifles that she built Winchester House.

Google it and read about it. It's a pretty bizarre place.

Uncle Buck

New member
I have a gun that makes me buy companions for it, and ammunition and holsters. I think it is afraid of being in the safe alone. ;)

Auntie Buck will not believe me when I tell her it is the gun that made me do it.


New member
So that's why I can't hit the danged target....wait a tick, all my guns are new...:eek:

Just funnin' ya:)

However, from a strictly (and hypothetical) supernatural standpoint, I suppose it could be possible. Any chance of finding out any history on the gun via serial numbers, etc.? Maybe find out where it was, who had it, something like that?

Posted this awhile back, but FiL had an old Lend-Lease .38 that turned out spent quite a bit of time in a German's holster - how'd that happen you wonder?


New member
Alcohol/Drugs mixed with firearms, never a good thing. The purchaser must have lied on questions 11e & 11f on ATF form 4473 (or page 2A of CMP purchase order).
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Active member
The first house I bought was a "murder-suicide" house. Hubby shot his young wife and then himself. I lived there for about 7 years, moving in about 7 months after the incident (had to clear through probate)- I reckon if that house wasn't haunted, then the M1 Garand isn't haunted either - just overactive imaginations.....

PS: I did sleep with "one eye open" the first night I moved in - nothing happened, I was a little disappointed, but was sleeping like a baby by the end of the 1st week. My conclusion: Ghosts don't exist in any form - just a load of made-up crap.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Don't believe in the supernatural but if I hear clanking chains and wails down stairs, I'm not racking the shotgun to see if that scares the Headless Horseman away. I'm jumping out the window.

One of my favorite movie scenes is when in the Johnny Depp Sleepy Hollow movie all those guys are trying to put down the HH with musketry. Didn't work.



New member
GEM, I liked that movie - but I think the biggest kick I got out of it was the casting of Christopher Walken as HH.

There's a guy who objectively should not look scary, and yet he projects menace like few others can.


New member
Never really believed in ghosts that much... Been to places that claim to be haunted and had people around me claiming to see something and I just went, 'its a rock', 'that gate needs to be oiled', and 'No there is not a ghost, the window just has a wicked draft...'.

I won't bash people that believe in them but until I see one or am given good hard proof I stand unbelieving.

To me is sounds like his imagination kicked into overdrive. He bought an M1 Garand which could have seen action in a war and his mind went into a spiral of possibilities. Just my 2 cents.


New member
I'm not so much a believer in haunted guns.
But I always thought it was funny that collectors would throw down more money for a Japanese WW2 rifle with an intact mum on the receiver b/c it meant the rifle hadn't been surrendered (and was theoretically a battlefield pickup).
And I think "if I'm using a firearm, wouldn't I rather have a rifle that had been cleaned on a regular basis and kept in the back office rather than one that had been firing corrosive ammo out in the rain, sand, salt water, fire, mud, shelling and generally crappy conditions of a battle field?" Now I have to add "and maybe haunted?" to that list.

Obviously, I'm not so much a believer in collecting, either...


New member
He should have called an exorcist, held a seance, used garlic bullets, or cleaned it with holy water. This is standard procedure on any military gun I own and so far I haven't had one haunted gun. That's proof positive my procedure must be working.

Although, sometimes I do get the feeling my Mosin Nagant is watching me. According to the guy who sold it to me, it was owned by Stalin himself and now I am having dreams of voting communist/socialist in the next election.

What kind of dreams does the new owner of the M1 have? Probably none since there is no such thing as ghosts just over active imaginations. Its just a gun not the Twilight Zone.
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New member
In Japanese mythology (and certainly there are stories in other cultures as well), there is a type of spirit called Tsukumogami. The idea is that after 100 years (or probably some other length of time or event), an artifact will become aware, and sometimes even animated.

Always wondered why no one ever questions the consistent appearance of sentient weapons in anime & more recently other medium.

Who knows? Maybe the guy was a bit on the...anxious side. Maybe its just the librarian in me, but having something like that happen would have just encouraged me (or just given me an excuse:)) to research the crap out of that rifle.
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New member
I believe my sig p226 is haunted..even though I purchased it brand new at night when im laying it bed I hear a low whisper coming from it....."shoooot meee" shoot meeee. And I look out my window and pitch black darkness I see my crappy target frame emitting a strange dull glow......lol jk. :)


New member
Kinda strange I know but i was talking to someone I knew and he claimed the he had bought M1 Garand it shot great but afterwords he claimed he started having dreams of where that someone with that rifle was killing people with it. After many nights of waking up in a cold sweat he finally sold it. And has been reluctant to buy one ever since. So I was just curious if anyone else has known others having something like that happening. This is not a zombie thing I dont get into that sort of thing I just found this story a little odd.

OK, looking at this just on face value-

1) The rifle made this happen, or the friend did it to himself? Which seems more likely?

2) Did the new owner ever have any bad dreams? (I almost asked about full disclosure on the sale, but hey, I took the high road)

3) Did you note that the friend has been reluctant to buy one since? So to him, every M1 could be 'haunted'. He knows it's his over-active imagination (or actual mental issue) that's to blame here, not the object

Quick story, I have always had vivid dreams. I can hear, smell, taste, feel, you name it, in my dreams. As a kid, 7 or 8, I had a night terror. Bad. I dreamed a vampire was looking at me through the window. I got a chill typing it. I woke up, and was convinced it was real. I was terrified to the point of partial paralyzation for several minutes- took all my might to move my arm an inch and turn my head to see inf the vampire was there

The next night, I went up to bed alone like a big boy, really scared. Coincidentally, my mom had moved a large potted plant to the upstairs hall. My folks didn't know about my bad dream. Kids think some things are just normal, and I thought hey, that happens sometimes. I saw a shape in the semi-darkness. Didn't know it was the big plant. Thought the vampire was waiting for me.

I pounded holy hell out of that plant in the dark upstairs hall.

The human mind is capable of incredibly wild flights of fancy. Your friend is spooking himself, and worse, he's buying into it

That said, I have no doubt some bizarre things are out there. I was very close to a cousin of mine for a long long long time. We were more like brothers. One night, I was driving around, and I clearly just knew he needed a ride home from work. Stupid. He works days. I drove past his work

There he was, about to accept a ride from god knows who to get home. He worked a double that day and his car had a dead battery. I knew he needed help as surely as I knew my nose was on my face. Can't explain it so I don't try to


New member
My Grandfather and many other older folks in the deep South pronounced it "Hanted" like in a hanted house. I have given all my used and older guns a good cleanings to clear the cobwebs and all the hants.

I am a skeptic, and the only thing that has ever scared me was the living and not the dead. I will admit I have faced fear a few times. As I get older, it happens less often.