Hats off to Heston


New member
Here is a link to a very well written article by Charlton Heston. It is from a speech to Harvard College kids back in 1999, so if this is "old news" to everyone, my apologies. Today was the first time I have ever read it and it blew me away. I knew he was Pro-gun, NRA, ect. but beyond that, I had never really given him much thought. My loss.


New member
My hat is off you you sir, thank you.

And any one out there that is half a man read what Heston said in this piece.
You will be a better man for it.
This I promis.
Again Charley, thank you!


New member
Heston should have taken out Ahhnold the Gubernator when he still had a chance to do so.

Other than that I admire this guy for what he is so eloquently saying and thanks to you Charley for posting this.


New member
First I read the replies to your post and thought: "Here they all go with their Thank you Charlies, getting on the band-wagon again."

Then I read Heston's speech.

So as I eat my portion of crow: wonderful speech by Heston





Moderator Emeritus
Charley - This speech has been posted many times before. I've read it at least three or four times myself. Regardless, thank you for posting it. :) It should be required reading at least once a year to remind us of what it means to be an American and support ALL our rights.
