Hated calibers


New member
Something I wonder about (other than whether I can retire before I'm 85) is how come some calibers inspire rants, while others never do. I mean, I have a .40 "short and weak", and while it won't send 300 grains of lead out at 1,200 fps like my .45, it doesn't seem all that weak. And a lot more folks garmouth the .327 mag than have ever shot one. But nobody ever speaks ill of the .45 ACP. Me neither, but if I want more punch than the .40, I'll keep the bore size and add powder--10mm. The point is, I can see really enjoying a certain caliber, and passing on others, but why hate 'em?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I have a certain amount of hate I need to direct at something. Instead of all those annoying people I know, I direct it at inanimate objects or, in the case of cartridges, more "concepts" than objects. So I pick a couple out and hate them, just because.


New member
Some calibers, like the .25ACP, just beg to be hated. :D If I'm to love or even tolerate a caliber, it must at least do something acceptably well.


New member
some calibers serve no purpose than to be the next trend to get a company's name out there. .357 sig and .45gap being my 2 most hated. this is far more common in hunting rifle calibers.


New member
As much as I try, and I'll admit it has certain advantages, I hate the 9mm. Hell, I even recommended a buddy of my buy his first gun in 9mm, but deep down, I hate a 9mm and can't get over it.


New member
.40 S&W is my hated caliber. I dislike the recoil characteristics and I'd much rather just shoot a 9mm or a .45ACP. That's not to say it doesn't have a place, it just will never have a place among my weapons.


New member
Can't say I get intense enough to hate a cartridge.Could be I just have no use for some.I suppose if I chose a wrong caliber,it would perform poorly,but,whose fault is that?


New member
My hate reservoir's pretty small, so I restrict it to a handful of people who mean me harm. Can't waste it on something good like ammo of any sort.

I have definite preferences when it comes to handgun calibers. But heck, I like all of 'em. Doesn't mean I'd like to own all of 'em, though. ;)


300 grains of lead out at 1,200 fps like my .45,

Educate me, please. What commercially available round does this?

I hate the .380 ACP. Actually, I love it, but it's MUCH too expensive for what it is.


New member
Depends for what purpose...but generally I wouldn't carry anything less than 9mm. All my guns are 9mm, .40sw, .45acp (and .357sig for cc). Personally I don't see why people like .32 and .380...???

And i won't target shoot anything smaller than 9mm except for .22lr which is a great cheap round.

I see no purpose to the .45gap and the .41mag round as both are covered by other rounds


New member
Dislike calibers, or refuse to own it, I can see, like the .40, but not to the point of putting on a .40 CAL SUCKS bumper sticker or flaming up other people for buying it. Maybe get on them for misuse, like fully inappropriate use. Hunting deer with a .32 revolver would be that, or using it for bears! I think more people have hate for actual guns or gun/ammo combos. Possibly it might have come from buying one and finding out they got a piece of **** and the money is gone.
I think some people let certain calibers/cartridges become far too much of their own identity and, as such, have an irrational necessity to lash out at anything that they deem a lesser incarnation of their own personal icon.


New member
300 grains of lead out at 1,200 fps like my .45,

Educate me, please. What commercially available round does this?

Both .44 Magnum and certain .45 Colt loadings do that in some commercial loadings.

The only caliber I can say that I genuinely dislike (though I wouldn't go so far as to say that I hate it) is .40 S&W and that is because it ensured that the 10mm never achieved the popularity I think it deserves. Other than that, I sometimes get annoyed with people who have a fanatical devotion to one cartridge (i.e. nothing is better than a .45 for anything, 9mm will do anything anyone ever needs to do) but I understand that this is no fault of the cartridge.


New member
You have to be careful. Obama might pass a hate speech law. I want to go on record that I love all calibers regardless of their size, race or religion.;)

Double J

New member
Can't say I hate any particular caliber, just have more use for some. The .32 ACP would be on my least used list. Mainly because of expense over benifits.