"Hate Crime Prevention Unit"?


New member
A Curry a Day Keeps Crime at Bay

LONDON (Reuters) - It has become a highly sought after job for London's police officers -- going undercover and dining at top restaurants in case any waiters are racially abused by customers.

Instead of pounding the streets on a cold wintry night, up to 20 officers settled down to eat at 10 Indian, Chinese, Thai and Yugoslav restaurants in London's West End at the weekend, the London Times reported on Tuesday.

"We have had a lot of volunteers," Detective Chief Inspector Brett Lovegrove, head of a hate-crime prevention unit, was quoted as saying.

Read the entire article here.

Apparently preventing disgruntled customers from yelling at incompetent waiters in the fashionable West End is a worthy use of these officers' time, a more worthy use than doing something about the skyrocketing assault and home invasion rates over there.

Sad part is, this is America's future. "Hate-crime prevention unit" indeed!


Britain is the only country in the world where the food is more dangerous than the sex. -- Jackie Mason


New member
Im trying to land a job as a racial/vulgarity officer in Nevada. The job involves me going to and testing the services of the legal Nevada Prostitutes and making sure that none of them partake in overly vulger acts, and that they are all open to racial diversity (i am white and like asians). Though i have petitioned for years to create such a department on the public dole, it seems for now i will just have to continue my good work on my own funds, and keeping note of violators...for possible repeat business.
On the other hand, the UN may be more open to allowing me to test the product in other countries, such as Russia, Bankok, and other possible undiverse nations.