"Hate Crime" Laws Legal?


New member
How can "hate crime" laws be legal under the Constitution????? I just can not understand this. They most Defiantly create another "class" or person with greater protections/privileges that "others". Not to mention other things :(


Moderator Emeritus
I'm feeling a bit cynical today, so...

Welcome to America - 2001

We have freedom from religion instead of freedom of religion, thanks to the ACLU.

We have freedom of speech as long as it is politically correct.

We have freedom of the press; which allows our media to slant the news to fit the agenda of their elitist owners, instead of simply reporting it and letting the reader decide what to think.

We have the right to peaceably assemble, provided we have proper governmental approval in writing and have paid a fee.

We have the right to petition our Government for a redress of grievances; provided that we are stinking rich and can afford millions of dollars in attorney's fees.

We have the right to keep and bear governmentally approved, low capacity, drop tested, ballistically fingerprinted arms for sporting purposes only. (Not applicable in CA, HI, MA, MD, NJ & NY)

We have the right to be secure in our persons and possessions against unreasonable searches and seizures, unless we encounter an official checkpoint, or we aren't wearing our seatbelt, or we have a large amount of cash, or we are in a nice neighborhood with the wrong color skin.



New member

I whole heartly agree with all of your statements.... Truely Amerika at it's finest..... Stalin would proud. :mad:


New member
I believe they're unconstitutional - violating both equal protection (someone who assaults a member of another race gets more jail time than someone who assaults a member of their own race) and double jeopardy (you're not just prosecuted for beating someone, your also prosecuted for beating someone who is a different race)

But 'hate crimes' is a hot catch phrase that helps the race and poverty pimps pick at the scab that is racism before it heals anymore.

Ed Brunner

New member
The problem with Hate Crime Laws...

is that THEY presume the hate and attach an additional penalty. It probably is an issue that would come under the "equal protection" clause, except that THEY want hate crime laws enacted and enforced.

Time will tell.


New member
The hate crime laws also presume to read the mind of the defendant. The judicial system gives a range of penalties for breaking a given law. It is up to the judge to use his judgement (get it?) for the appropriate penalty. If the crime was particularly heinous, the criminal gets the maximum. Stunning in its flexibility.