Has there ever been a gunowners march in Ca.?


New member
I was wondering with all the gun law in Ca. being created, have the gun owners ever marched on the capitol. Has there ever been a gun owner’s march on Washington.

Do you think a march to sunset the AWB would help?


New member
it won't happen and I'll tell you why.

You have a bunch of gun owners with arms in hand, marching, they will call it a "revolt" and start shooting at us, we'll have no choice but to shoot back. Bloody mess, proof that guns cause violence.

or worse, some liberal Brady group hears about it, sends a mole in, who fires a shot, a shot is heard, the police show up, and arrest everybody and take everybody's arms. If you don't want to give up your arms while you are being arrested, then the above scenerio will have to be played out. We lose no matter what...


New member
I've got to second Twoblink's thoughts on the matter.

People in this state are programmed sheeple. The very idea that people who OWN GUNS (gasp-shudder) would get together is disturbing enough. The fact that no one is armed will be overlooked/actively ignored. Reporting would be slanted to make the public at large think there was an armed insurrection in the making. It wouldn't make any difference if the marchers drove up in their SUV's, got out in a 3 piece suit with wife, kids and dog in tow.

Add one nutcase, agent provocateur, cop or Fed with an attitude and/or agenda and we would be in shooting war before you could blink.


New member
Gun owners march?

I'd wager you couldn't find 100 Kalifornia gun owners (armed with signs dipicting firearms) with the testicular fortitude to march on Sac. :(


New member
I guarandamntee you I could find that many. However, 100 people would be readily ignored by the politicians and/or harassed by the LEO's or anti's.


New member

The unfortunate reality of living in the PRK is that if we marched 10,000 strong on those PINKOS, they'd over react, call out the National Guard, giving the media a field day at our expense. Or they'd just ignor us as nit-noi. :mad: :barf:

nit = small

noi = little

nit-noi = insugnificant, of no consiquence


New member
There was a lot going on in the mid 90s. Dr. Susan Gratia came by on - I think it was July 4th in about 1996.

There were a few such events that probably drew 2000-4000 people.

I think everyone has either given up or left.

I have all but given up and I am trying to leave.

Honestly though, Sacramento is still a fairly conservative town and the outlying areas are even more conservative. I think the blood baths described are pretty far fetched.


New member
I could easily imagine shakedowns of the protesters. If we are there to demonstrate a pro-gun stance, you know, we must have guns. At least that would be the story.

Even if they had to plant guns, we could be labelled as militant freaks just causing trouble. But don't be mistaken, there are a LOT of pro-gun people in California. They just don't happen to live in one of the liberal occupied crapholes like L.A. or S.F.

For an example of people willing to stand up publicly for their rights, look to the ATF Night.

What is "ATF Night?" "ATF Night" was founded several years ago by the Lawyers' Second Amendment Society as an opportunity for lovers of the Second Amendment from all walks of life to gather on a casual, social basis and enjoy adult beverages, fine cigars and intelligent conversation regarding firearms - hence "ATF Night."

"ATF Night" has evolved into the premier monthly pro-Second Amendment social activity where the most interesting, intelligent and thought-provoking ladies & gentlemen come to network, meet leaders from & provide a forum for all pro-2A groups (NRA, GOA, CCRKBA, JPFO, Citizens of America, Liberty Belles, Second Amendment Sisters, etc., etc.) and enjoy overwhelmingly delicious food. (Note: In deference to the many non-smokers, tobacco products are now enjoyed outside on the patio).

Speakers at "ATF Night" include (among many others): Movie Producer DAN GIFFORD ("Waco: The Rules of Engagement") Author and CA Firearms Law Authority JOHN MACHTINGER Internationally Recognized Attorney & Law Professor DR. JAMES L. HIRSEN Founder & Editor-in-Chief of "The Sierra Times" J.J. JOHNSON "Citizens of America" President BRIAN PUCKETT Attorney NANCY LORD JOHNSON, Board Member of the Fully Informed Jury Assn. NANCY MORGAN, Founder of "Conservatives of Los Angeles" (COLA) DON'T MISS THE NEXT ATF NIGHT's exciting, informative and fun evening! Spread the word and bring your friends and families. This is the one pro-2A event where as many ladies as men attend. You don't want to miss this well-rounded, friendly and warm group of freedom-loving Patriots! Important 2nd Amendment Rights Mixer and Strategy Session - Thursday, December 19, 2001

What: Alcohol may be consumed, tobacco products may be consumed (on the patio), firearms will be discussed (hence "ATF Night"), and for the hungry, absolutely delicious food is available. At ATF Night we do allow anyone who would like to make announcements to do so.

Where: San Gennaro Cafe (banquet room), 9543 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA (310) 836-0400

When: Cocktail hour starts at 6:30 p.m., during which those who desire may order off the menu; we generally begin our program around 7:30 p.m.

Who: Anyone who is interested in liberty.

Why: Because we enjoy our liberties.

How: Your only limitation is your imagination.

Where else can you find on one delightful evening . . .

Fabulous, Friendly Patriots eager to make new friends and share information Heavy-Hitters in the movement to restore all of our Second Amendment Rights Absolutely DELICIOUS food and drink Creative and Elegant Men's and Lady's Second Amendment Jewelry The opportunity to Hear and Be Heard regarding our God-given Rights

The coordinator, John Brantuk Sr., is a guy that ran for the state assembly this past November. He is an excellent example of a person with the testicular fortitude to stand up for his beliefs.

4570Rick, I hope you don't find any of my posts combative or hostile towards you, I think my first post in this thread may have came out that way. I think we probably feel pretty similarly about this issue.


New member
Yes, There was a march at Los Angeles City Hall in 1989 in protest to the upcoming vote on Roberti-Roos. About 500 people attended. There was ZERO press coverage.

simon jester

New member
Zero press coverage because the media has their own ultra liberal agenda and a bunch of evil gun-owners doesn't fit into the commie pinko view of a united california :barf:


New member
As true a commentary on what we face in CA as has ever been spoken, simon jester. That is exactly it. Instead of just the media though, it applies to the whole liberal machine. We just don't fit into their liberal bliss-topian plans for this state.

Thanks for the clarity.



New member
Gun Shop on AM News

A couple of months ago, a Palm Springs gun shop was featured on the morning news: no one was shot, it was just a fun, entertaining segment! The owner, Ron Bowen, is a retired Los Angeles Police Officer....he is the R.O. for the Palm Springs Police Dept, and, of course, extremely Pro-RKBA. Now, 100 miles to the West is Moscow on the Pacific(L.A.)...with all the anti-gun sentiment, there is NO WAY this could have happened there....I was happy enough to write the Desert Sun Newspaper, as well as the TV station, Channel 3, and thank them for representing the gun shop, and it's owner, employees and customers for what they are: nicer than average, law abiding citizens. Very cool Police department, too! I attended a "Citizen's Police Academy" as a requirement of joining their "Citizens on Patrol". It ain't all bad here in Kalifornia!


New member
I think a "voiced boycott" is easier.

Pick a store that is anti-RKBA, and we all meet in front to protest their stance... We let the government know how we feel, without telling them directly. We let the business know also..


New member
Hey, guys...

Greetings from the Gulag New Jersey.

We're also grappling with the same thing, and we're doing our part to fight back. Check out our website (still under construction), and stay tuned...


El Rojo

New member
I don't see how it wouldn't work. The dreams of bloodbaths are far over reached. For some reason everyone thinks that law enforcement and the military are completely under the liberals control. False! If someone organized it, it might work. That is the problem, no one is going to organize it.


Member In Memoriam
As A Founder of The Tyranny Response Team, I can tell y'all a couple things.

Marches/protests are great for boosting morale of those who attend & for those who may see any newz-clips.

But, is has jack to do with what matters.

What does matter is pure political force through The Vote.

Politicos care about getting re-elected - nothing else.

If they are threatened with lose of employment, they will sit up & take notice.

Nothing else matters to them.

We do live in a democracy, you know. :barf:

simon jester

New member
We do live in a democracy, you know.

We WISH we had a democracy here.Its all about who has the money and power.They go hand in hand.
And its the hollywood elitest's "one for me but none for you" mentality, even though they have the bodyguards.


Member In Memoriam
Regards "our democracy."

I'm ceratin your know that we have no such thing.


My "democracy" remark was absolutely tongue-in-cheek.

Do take that in the spirit intended.


"For some reason everyone thinks that law enforcement and the military are completely under the liberals control."

Whereever did you come up with that?

It is certainly not outside our latest control system to come up with that.

Step outside the bounds, & The Man will most certainly come down on you with both feet.

Nothing to do with liberal vs conservative.

From everything Ive seen, the conservatives will step on you toot-sweet, buddy. All the better to keep you in line.

Liberals will actually allow somewhat of a disention before they jump on.

Conservatives allow nothing. Liberals allow you to knock it about before they step on yer mantra ....

Just a matter of timing.

They all hate dessention though.


Conserves hate you now. Libs hate you later.

Some choice, huh?