Has the recent crisis and upcoming elections......


New member
Changed your buying priority?

I admittedly was looking at some guns for fun and collecting, like .22lr plinking and a Colt SAA (peacemaker), maybe another lever action.

But now I think I'm going to be loading up on magazines, maybe a pistol or two and a couple more "evil" (cough, :barf: ) rifles.


New member
Honestly, I was going to buckle down with my budget, however, seeing as how a new democratic Washington may come in to place, I was thinking of investing in another "evil" black rifle. Pistol grips and collapsible stocks galore.


New member
Just buying components for reloading...maybe a little more than usual. Just anticipating another jump in ammo and component prices. Someday it'll be cheap to shoot again....someday....


New member
One candidate wins, and our rights go south.

The other candidate wins, our rights go south slower, and there are riots.

Thing is, having moved most of it, I think I've got enough ammo, components, and powder.


New member
I accelerated some already planned purchases I was saving for, mainly because of impending inflation storm, but getting it before the election was a small side benefit. A couple more firearms, more mags, and more reloading components and another press.

Regardless of who wins the election we are in for a mighty round of inflation that no politicians has the guts to face down because it would mean a depression otherwise.

Kind of sad that every election our rights are so threatened that you almost have to stock up a bit more as a hedge against that possibility.

AZ Med18

New member
I have adjusted my purchasing plan to make up for the up coming election like in the next few days ill have brand new bushmaster m4
To my way of thinking, we are coming into a good time to buy ammo or reloading components.

The dollar is temporarily stronger because everyone is parking their money in the U.S. Treasury while the markets sort themselves out - so we have more buying power.

Commodities speculators can't get lines of credit to hedge risky commodity bets so prices for copper, lead, etc. are lower because of less buyers.

Those two things combined should make for some decent ammo prices if they last long enough.

The flipside is that inflation/weak dollar is a very handy way to solve the U.S. debt problems so I expect to see it making a come back and ammo prices jumping back up accordingly; but given the amount of debt that will just be defaulted on and the eventual reduction of credit lines, I think the Fed is probably more concerned with deflationary pressures for now.