has sig fixed the mosquito?


New member
owned one. loved it til I shot it and it would cycle properly. Thankfully sold it before word got out about them and it became Gander Mtn's problem. However for what I would like, the mosquito platform would be perfect if they cleaned up reliability issues. Anyone know?


New member
I do not own one - but based on what I hear in the gun shop / and from the guys tending the rental case, it has not improved. But I don't have any personal knowledge.


New member
Its sad that the Walther P22 is such a better gun.

I don't dislike any German pistol, but I really had my money on the SiG.

Owned one of the first ones, no problems, but sold it to buy a custom 225.


New member
I have both the Mosquito and the P22. Both have been continuously bad mouthed on most of the forums, (often by the same person, over and over, and often by people who dont even, nor ever have, owned one) but both of mine have been flawless since day one, and both are early guns. A few of my buddies also have one or the other or both. We must have got all the good ones, if you listen to the way people complain about them. The gun shop where I bought mine has sold a bunch and hasnt had any come backs, none that they will talk about anyway.

Both guns do recommend higher power .22's, but mine work fine with plain old HV's. Both guns do come with two springs, to compensate for different power ammo. Both of mine are still using the spring that was installed when I bought them. I often wonder if people ever read the manuals and/or tried the other spring before they gave up on the gun.

Both guns are fun little pistols to shoot. They are not target pistols, but they are plenty accurate enough for most everything else.

Over the years, I've owned at least one of just about every .22 autoloader maker out there. Rugers, High Standard, S&W, Colt, Browning, Beretta, etc, so I do have something to compare them to. The two I have and shoot right now are the Mosquito and P22.

One thing for sure with all of them is, they all are ammo sensitive to some extent, be it accuracy, function, or both. If you dont clean your guns every time you shoot, your going to have problems. This can often be just after a few boxes with some, others (not many) will go more than a brick. 2-300 seems to be about when I usually start to encounter troubles.


New member
AK103K... I've shot a Mosquito, and found the trigger to be an absolute abomination. If you have a good copy, then I am glad for you. My experience, hands on, is very different.



New member
The DA trigger on the Mosquito isnt like most other SIG's, but once your used to it, its not all that bad. If your accustomed to shooting DA, I dont think you'll have much trouble with it, at least I havent with mine. The SA trigger is just that, a SA trigger.


New member
When my dad was looking for a .22 pistol, I did a canvasing of opinion here, at the local shops, and at gun shows.

Overwhelmingly, the opinion on the Mosquito was negative.

The P22 had a much better reception.

Still better was the Beretta (87?).


New member
Wanted a Mosquito but was reluctant to buy one based on the numerous posts on this, and other, sites about the numerous problems with feeding, jamming, etc.

Purchased a new P22 instead and it shoots any ammo I happen to get a good deal on (I do try to stay away from Remington Goldens since they don't shoot well in my Ruger Mk III). Love the P22, a really 'fun' gun to shoot.