Has Colt Discontinued Some Of The......


New member
1991 Series of guns or am I just missing them? I was looking at their website today and couldn't find the O4691 (.45 Combat Commander), O4610 (9mm Combat Commander) or the O1992 (9mm Government model). All I could find is the stainless and blued Government model.
Astonishing. Colt has completely revised their website within the past week or ten days. I know, because about ten days ago I was looking at it to respond to some questions regarding .38 Supers. The revised site not only shows fewer models, it also eliminates any specifications for the models they still show. You now have to click a link to find any specifications other than caliber.

Not an improvement, Colt. Remember, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


New member
Yes, I noticed the same things a few days ago. I fear they are eliminating some of the 1991 series guns and replacing them with their new models. For instance the new Lightweight Commander may be replacing all the 1991 Commanders.

While I like the new guns and applauded Colt for modernizing their line I also hate to see the loss of the “classics”.


New member
The XE line has largely replaced the XSE, for sure, and an XE Delta Elite has replaced the "classic" configuration.