Has anyone seen the recent video of the shooting in peru?


New member
I just saw the video on tmz sports. Sorry Iman not able to attach the link here but it shows one armed citizen run off 3 armed robbers. It shows the citizen shoot a robber at just a couple feet and you can barely tell the bg was hit. After they start fleeing one of the bg's shoots the citizen in the stomach. You can immediately tell he's hit. Funny part of the story is the good guy is a mma coach. I would love to know the details of what the good guy was using and then what he was shot with. Anybody know?


New member
Most remarkable is the waitress who calmly flips through her orders as her customers are getting robbed at gunpoint. She only reacts when the shooting starts. I don't know if that means she is completely clueless or it's just another robbery in a long list of robberies.


New member
Thanks Aguila for posting that. The whole thing seemed to happen so fast several people didn't know what to do or just oblivious to what was happening. Glad no bystanders were hit, just the ones playing with guns. It seems to be a pretty decent display of marksmanship from what I can tell.


Here's a little more information about the shooting. Apparently there were two defenders.


Fedotov and another customer drew their personal guns and opened fire. ... The shootout left one of the assailants dead and two patrons injured, including Fedotov. The Russian Muay Thai trainer suffered a bullet wound in the abdomen and is currently being treated.

The other two assailants escaped on motorcycles.

The owner of the restaurant told El Comercio that this is the sixth time his business has been held up by armed gangs.

Doesn't sound like a place where I'd want to hang out.


The defender in the video is expected to recover.


One witness suggests that Fedotov began shooting because he expected to be killed when his CCW was discovered.
Kudos to the other customer who relieved Fedotov of his pistol and took off after the assailants. He at least seemed to make sure they weren't coming back.


New member
Interesting. I had not expected Peru to be a place where a person could carry a firearm.

Apparently in Peru, a license is required for each gun and requires a background check, psychological evaluation, and shooting test. After these are passed and you have your license, the license to own that firearm functions as a license to carry it also. I am also reading that they can only carry rounds lesser than 9mm parabellum and no hollow points.


In South America you can do virtually anything if you have enough money and/or know the right people.

My guess is that acquiring a permit takes a LOT of one or some of both.
I am also reading that they can only carry rounds lesser than 9mm parabellum and no hollow points.
This kind of legal restriction is precisely why Glock makes .380ACP versions of the Glock 19 & 26 (25 & 28).
JohnKSa said:
I am also reading that they can only carry rounds lesser than 9mm parabellum and no hollow points.
This kind of legal restriction is precisely why Glock makes .380ACP versions of the Glock 19 & 26 (25 & 28).
And why Imbel in Brazil makes a .380 ACP version of the 1911 Commander.

Pond James Pond

New member
Apparently in Peru, a license is required for each gun and requires a background check, psychological evaluation, and shooting test. After these are passed and you have your license, the license to own that firearm functions as a license to carry it also. I am also reading that they can only carry rounds lesser than 9mm parabellum and no hollow points.

Pretty much the same rules for a licence here, except we also have a written test on the Weapons Act.

The plus side is that there are no calibre limitations on handguns, so 9mm, .40, .45 etc all OK.

What are people's thoughts on just walking down the central aisle?
What could have been done differently/better?

On the one side, taking cover and firing from there would increase the risk of hitting bystanders (none of whom were hurt it seems), but it increases the risk of getting shot, which he was.


Pretty rough situation. Taking cover (at least in the area where he was shot and fell down) would have amounted to ducking behind people.

If there's cover, it makes sense to use it. Without a layout of the restaurant and without knowing where he was seated when he drew and began firing, it's hard to say what he should have done.

Pond James Pond

New member
Without a layout of the restaurant and without knowing where he was seated when he drew and began firing,

He seems to have been in the back area to the right and only appears to shoot once far closer to them in the main thoroughfare through the restaurant.. Perhaps taking up a position behind the low wall at the back and surprising them (which he did, anyway) when they got closer to that area as it had few customers...

Like you say: a tough call. 3 against one on top of that!! My 6-shot snub would have been an issue there!!