Has anyone seen a Remington short magnum yet?


New member
Just curious, as it looks to be the perfect cartridge to tinker with. Have heard they were supposed to be out by now, but have yet to find one in a store.


New member
Remington Short Magnum?? Remington makes the Ultra Mag. Winchester has the "Short Magnum". Both Winchester and Browning make rifles for it (since they are owned by the same people now days.) Sucker has to kick hard. Moving the same weight bullet, from a much shorter case, as a 300 Win Mag.


New member
Danny45, Remington has a shortened version of it Ultra Mag, calleed the Short Ultra Mag. It has been reviewed in 7mm and 30 calibers. It is a way better design then the Winchester. The Winchester case is to long, making it a tight fit in a short action, or a no fit in some short actions. Heavy bullets must also be seated a little deap in the Winchester to maintain proper OAL, while the Remington short fits in any short action that will take a .308Win, assuming there is enough meat for the barrel diameter. The Remington is also a little fatter, which seems to be relevant for accuracy, as the BR and PPC cartridges exemplify.

Remingtons just a little to late getting there gun to market. They claim to have had the RSUM in the works for a couple of years, but I do not belive it. If they have had it around for so long, and they still don't have a gun in production in the RSUM, then there production, marketing and research people must be of really low quality. After all, it is a simple matter to chamber guns for the cartridge, they are already making bolts with the proper rim diameter, reamers do not take several months to make, and they must have had a small clue that Winchester was working on a short magnum. Once again, Remington dropped the ball.


New member
From what I understand Rem. was planing and working on the short mag first, but Win. beat them to the punch. Rem. did more QC/research I guess. I hope they offer it in the VS. The lack of a heavy barrel is what has been stoping me from getting the Win. or Browning.


New member
Xraymongral and Scouter27, Thanks for the info guys. I had no clue that Remington made the SUM.

Scouter27, Browning should be coming out with the WSM in their Eclipse models very soon. A rep from Browning was at the Gun show this past weekend. He wouldn't tell me any dates, but the first of the year is the indication I got from him.

Anyway, I'm glad I stuck with the old 300 Win Mag when I bought my newest rifle a few weeks ago. It's proven, accurate, and ammo is everywhere.


New member
The current issue of Guns and Ammo has an ad for a Model 7 offered in .300 and 7mm Rem Ultra SA Mags. Also check their web site----has pretty much the same thing there.