Has anyone here been through Air Force OCS?

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New member
How was it?

Lets make it firearms related too so it doesn't get the boot....
How were rifle and pistol qualifications?


New member
I wasn't aware the Air Force even had a OCS. I thought all of the officer corps, (corpse for the White House staff), came from the academy and AFROTC programs in colleges.


New member
I didn't do OCS (actually it's called OTS), but I have done the rifle and pistol qual. Qualifying is falling down easy. Expert is a little more difficult. I've never gotten anything less than expert in pistol and I got a perfect score last time. I did the rifle qual 11 years ago and don't remember the details. Plus now they're qualifying with gas masks and all, so my experience back then is somewhat irrelevant now. Few officers maintain a rifle qual after basic.

Here's the reg spelling out exactly what you have to do, scoring, qualifying, expert, etc.

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I'm an Army officer and hear that the Air Force has almost zero weapons training. If you want to learn to use weapons, go into Army or Marine infantry units. Even regular Army infantry won't satisfy the real gun fan. You'll get some, but never enough, training. In the regular Army, I rarely was given the opportunity to fire my M4, and it was almost always a miserable experience (strict range rules, full body armor and kevlar helmet, etc.).

For Army, you may even want to go one further into the Special Operations units. It is there that you will really get great training opportunities. It wasn't until I was in a SF unit that I was afforded the best and most relaxed weapons training.


New member
Im not joining the military because I want to go bang bang. I have received more firearms training in the 5 years as a civilian shooter than i'm sure most have as enlisted personnel in the military haha!

I shoot competition with my AR and im pretty good with skeet and things of that nature.

I want to join the military because I want to do something prestigious with my life. My mom and father were both in the military and I grew up around that sort of lifestyle. Its been something I have admired my whole life and after talking to people who have been in the military everyone says the Air force is the way to go. I have talked to people in the marines, one person in the army, several people in the air force, and 3 people in the Navy.

To be honest. Im more interested in what OCS will be like, but this is a firearms forum so why not toss that in there :p
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