Has anyone heard of the U.S. Revolver Co.?


New member
I've been looking for topbreaks on the internet auction houses and have found one that is made by the U.S. Revolver Co. It's a .32 S&W that is said to be in very good condition. Has anyone had anyone heard of or even had any experience with this company? thanks

US Revolver Company was a housebrand name for guns made by Iver Johnson for sale to Sears, Monkey Ward, etc., at prices somewhat lower than their own branded guns.

They use the same designs and actions as Iver Johnson revolvers, but are not fit/finished to quite the same degree.

They're of the same general quality as other top breaks of the period by IJ, H&R, and a little bit below the standards set by S&W.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
Thanks, Mike. So... it's not a great gun, is what I understand here. But it's not a terrible gun, strictly speaking. Right?


New member

If you fish around at the Iver Johnson site you can find out if your IJ breaktop is pre 1899 or not.

My grandfather carried an 38 S&W hammerless Iver Johnson in the Alaskan gold rush. Millions were sold at $6.

I have been buying them and 32 S&Ws at gun shows. If they are broken [one thing wrong] I will pay $40. If in working order, I will pay $50.

You need 3 hands, but usually what I have to do to fix them is assemble them correctly.

Numerich has barrels of parts.

The H&R pistols are of a higher quality. They and Smiths are out of my price range. I saw a mint Iver Johnson with original 100 year old holster for $95 at the show. If they want that much to start, I don't even talk to them.