Has anyone had any experience with the Ruger SR556?

Big Bill

New member
Has anyone had any experience with the Ruger SR556? I am thinking of trying to get one this year. I won't put optics on it but just keep it stock. Does this gun have any advantages/disadvantages over other similar offerings?




New member
bill, hey there. i saw your posting from one of my threads, i got my SR556 in last friday but weather has not permitted me to take it out to the range as of yet, which i'm dying to do. what i can explain is the general build to date. my frame of reference is from the Army's m16's and m4's that were DI systems, but i can only go into the build, can't compare performance yet.

in regards to what people have been talking about alot, the carrier tilt. the bolt carrier group was the first thing i went after and they have made the backside of the bcg with a flange to combat the carrier tilt issue much like another company that's doing gas piston on the ar (lwrc i believe but may be wrong, i'd research that one). the 556 is very tight and well fitting as i've taken apart a few times now in anxiety fitted rages to do something with it. the rail system isn't as heavy as i remember in the store, the rifle as a whole seems incredibly sturdy as are the internals of the rifle. the bcg is really clean and the only real recommendations i've read are replacing the buffer and spring with a better one, but i need to research that more. since i've been unable to get out to the range i've been adding and researching info for aftermarket parts for my mossberg, but the second i'm able, both my wife and i will be at the range and i'll give my opinions and hers since she said she can't wait to shoot that one. i'll keep you posted though.


New member
It must work very well ! All the other manufacturers are stomping all over themselves copying it . Ruger builds rugged firearms !