Has anyone fired Kahr MP9 yet?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I am considering ordering one for pocket carry. So far, I've seen only magazine reviews...which tend to be optimistic. Has anyone fired the gun? How's reliability, accuracy, felt recoil?


New member

Recoil is not bad, very manageble. Have to adjust your hand position on this gun as the slide stop is rather sharp and will cut your hand up. Im gonna polish this and round the edges some when I get a chance. Excellent trigger. Frame to slide fit toward the muzzle is poor IMO. Havent had my hands on any but this one, so dont know how the others are. Going to call Kahr on that and see what they can do. Its only cosmetic, the gun functions fine, ive put about a 100 rounds through it and nary a burp.


New member
From the one I had before, and other examples I have seen of the plastic models, they don't do a very good job in the molding department. Mine (P40) frame was warped and no where near the quality of say a Glock. You could see slight waves and irregularities in the frame. Kind of like a squirt gun:) .