Has anyone ever reshallic their Mosin stock?


New member
The Mosin bug got me agian yesterday.

I found a 1946 made M44 in a rack at a gunshow. The thing was covered in cosmo and had a nasty looking brown paint on the stock that was chipping off by the bucket. When I degreased the action and bolt I discovered the metal was gorgeous. other then the CAI billboard on the the action the bluing is 100%. No bluing wear or pitting anywhere on the rifle including the bolt recess in the action, follower, and bayo lug.The The bore is sharp and shinny with no counter bore and uniform crown. The thing looks like it has never been fired since it was refurbished. The only thing ugly about it is the stock. I sprayed Auto Strip on it and the paint came of with an old rag. It has a few dings and scratches but nothing an iron and a wet cloth won't fix. The wood grain looks really good so I thought about just putting linseed oil on it but I really would like to have the shallic look. How hard would it be and what to use?


New member
I restored a Russian SKS handguard with shellac just to match the stock. Stripped it down and then used an alcohol stain to get the reddish brown color before applying the shellac. Shellac seems to dry pretty fast but also will show brush marks etc. pretty easily for me. Frankly you might consider a glossy or semi gloss poly finish for more even finish and ease in application like spray on. I see lots of folks refinishing SKS and MN stocks on forums but they seem to usually steer clear of the original shellac. It is not as durable as a poly either. But it is up to you. I would get familiar with applying it to something else before attacking the stock with it as your first try. I had the shellac to do a windowsill that I needed to finish quickly with a quick drying substance due to pets. Well the shellac has not held up very well on that.