Has anyone been 'made' with a J-frame Monogrip?

Have YOU ever been 'made' due to apparent or alleged visibility of the gun butt while

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New member
Have YOU ever been 'made' due to apparent or alleged visibility of the gun butt while carrying a J-frame with the Hogue Monogrip in a pocket holster?

If so, please relate your experience.

Sorry if the poll question got cut off somewhat due to lack of space when 'copy n pasting'. The actual question is the first sentence of this post.
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New member
That would be more dependant on your dress rather than the gun being carried. You have to dress around the gun to keep it concealed.


New member
Thanks for your comments majic.

But have you ever been 'made' carrying a J-frame with the Monogrips?

If not, kindly vote NO.


(or, if you've never carried a J in a pocket holster with the Monogrips please do not vote at all!)


New member
I tried the Hogue bantam two finger for a S&W 36 they were a bit small, and I Did Not like the super grippy rubber. The 36 is now wearing Uncle Mike's rubber boot grips which I like. If I come across some pachmyar compacts I will give those a try.


New member
A little off-thread topic--

Today I was wearing my J-frame with my new Pachmayr Compac grips in a DeSantis Nemesis SuperFly in the front pocket of an older pair of Docker's pants.

I removed the SuperFly's detachable cover and just carried the holster part due to the small size of my pocket.

Printing was not an issue.

However, with those Pachmayr Compac grips, the butt of the gun was resting pretty near the lower edge of the pocket opening. This made me feel uncomfortable and thought I might be 'made'.

Needless to say, the buddy I went to lunch with stated that I seemed on edge-in a long line while waiting for a table and throughout the buffet meal, getting up and down from the table, while eating, etc. But he had no clue I was carrying until I told him about it afterwards.

It was an uncomfortable meal for me and I will not carry in that pair of pants again. And I'm not going to change the grips-I really like them-for now! I was probably being a bit over-concerned, but I did not like the feeling. I have other pairs of pants with deeper pockets.
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New member
Since the only way to know if you've been "made" is to have someone come tap you on the shoulder, how do you know if you've been made? If I notice someone is carrying concealed, I note it, but I don't go confront them.

I believe what you are asking is, "Has anyone ever confronted you about carrying concealed after noticing you were?" That is about all you can state accurately, not whether you were ever "made."


New member
If someone gives you a wink, a stare, an 'all-knowing' grin or smile, or any other indicator that would pretty much let you know that they're in on your little secret, that would count.

Think about your carry history and whether this has happened whether you were directly as you described confronted or informed in a more subtle manner.

Poll specifically references the Monogrip on a J, in a pocket.

Don H

New member
If someone gives you a wink, a stare, an 'all-knowing' grin or smile, or any other indicator that would pretty much let you know that they're in on your little secret, that would count.
I get that from the wimmens all the time, but then, I pocket carry a .45.:D