Has 9/11 made you carry more?


New member
Have you started carrying even more often than you did before 9/11?

Are there places you wouldn't usually carry before, that you do now? (Church, school, work...etc...)

I was watching the national news tonight, and all the talk of the Florida incident, and other terrorist news in general made me want to have my guns with me EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME.



New member

I am waiting patiently for my carry permit to arrive at in the mail so I can be armed almost everywhere. Until then, I carry "securely encased" in my work vehicle at all times and am never too far away from my pistol in the home....


9-11 Has Made Me More Aware,

But, Carrying into a school or church is illegal in my state. And, I'm not allowed to carry on the job,:( so thats out also.


New member
Nope, still carry all the time. Can't get more often than that.

Oh, guess I don't carry in the shower either - I could get more often. Sam and I need to work on a waterproof carry rig...

Blue Jays

New member
Good Evening Everyone-

Sidearm carry has been 100% unaffected by September 11, 2001. What has been affected is the amount of other stuff that I carry with me. If an unfortunate event occurs, I figure I'll have a slight advantage in prevailing or helping other innocents to prevail.

My briefcase now contains a SureFire M2, extra batteries, a half-dozen PowerBars, dustmask, latex gloves, one-way respirator, bandage roll, bandanna, large waterbottle, and Benchmade AFCK.

While I've always been a person "into preparedness," my list of available tools has grown slightly more comprehensive. All applicable laws are observed.

~ Blue Jays ~


New member
Definitely! Before 9/11 I never carried. I'd been thinking about getting a carry permit for quite a while, but 9/11 pushed me over the top. Now I carry everywhere but the job. (The building has armed security, and I would lose my job if I carried there.)


New member
Lo Mismo

Same, same. Carry whenever I'm awake except, as noted by others, in the shower. Always a gun by the bedside.

God would think I was halfcocked if I wasn't carrying in Church. I do unstrap in a Federal Post Office, just out of courtesy.


New member
You guys that carry all the time (with the possible exception of the shower), what do you carry, and how do you carry it (i.e. gun and holster, where and how you wear it)? Were I to carry all the time, I would pretty much have to use an OWB holster, IWB's of any variety or material are pretty much limited time affairs for me. Just wondering how you guys do it and what you use.

As for me, yes, I carry more often since 9/11, but I think it's just a consequence of realizing that the unbelievable can happen. That includes personal "unbelievables" such as muggings and carjackings. At work, I have to leave my gun in the car (although I'm never more than a short walk from my car), but I've been pretty religiously carrying when I'm not at work and not at home. At home, guns are pretty readily available, so I don't see the need to carry one around all the time (although I do carry one when answering the door).


New member
No, not really. The only thing that 9/11 has done is make me more conscious of the people, conversations, surroundings & situations I find myself in.


New member
Possibly a bit more. Before, I always carried when out and about but not all the time on my land. Now, if I'm out mowing or walking the dogs, I always carry. Even on that 400 foot walk up to the mailbox.