Harvey Deprimer


New member
Anyone here use one and can review it? I have 2 universal depriming dies already and the magnet trick has cured my Rockchucker's spent primer puking problem but this little puppy looks so neat I may just have to buy myself one for Christmas



New member
that pin looks a lot like standard Lee pistol de-priming pin - about the same cost too.

Have to wonder how easy this would be to make myself with some scrap aircraft aluminum I have sitting around.


New member
It's a good tool but does require the user to to center the rod into the flash hole. That become routine after the first 25 fumblings.

The FA deprimer once set up with the right collet is a bit faster. The spent primer cup is to small so it requires frequent dumping. Also it must be kept pointed down or primers fall out waiting for bare feet to find them.


New member
yeah they in the videos using it over a trashcan or piece of tupperware. I am not much of a impulse buyer I just bookmarked in my wishlist folder. I have kept stuff in there for months before purchase and for a lot of items deletion.

Another alternative to the trashcan would be put a balloon or something over the end. Might have a issue explaining to the wife why there is a trojan full of spent primers in the trash so I would not be trying that. That would be lead a interesting discussion at my house, a discussion best avoided.

Back to serious I'd bet the guys here with the 3 D printers here could make something. That's something on my wish list too


New member
Very interesting concept. I watched his several videos showing it in operation...nice. However, my Frankford Arsenal hand deprimer and my Lee Hand Press with Universal Depriming Die have proved quite effective in depriming thousands of cases while I watch TV on a Saturday afternoon (or Friday night). Nonetheless, I applaud the creativity, the sheer genius of the American entrepreneur. I wish him every success.


New member
Looks very messy.

It's a good tool but does require the user to to center the rod into the flash hole. That become routine after the first 25 fumblings.
Try some MagTech brass .410 shells. I decap with an RCBS decapping pin and a hammer. There's no routine in finding the flash hole. It's just fumbling.
Large, flat case web. Very minor lip around the flash hole. Large diameter case with no neck to help center. It's like trying to thread a needle from across the room, while blind. ...Every time.


New member
jmorris-that is one slick device. Kind of hypnotic watching it...glad you made the video only one minute.

I'd never heard of the Harvey deprimer. Like somebody said if you got a bucket of range brass you're sorting through this could be just the thing you need. Sort, inspect, deprime.
Might have to put this on the Christmas wish list.

Thanks for posting.


New member
I like my Harvey, but for grins I got a Lee hand press with a universal decapping die. Both work well for me. The Harvey works fine especially if you have different caliber cases you are working on. I just aim the primers into an angled coffee can sitting on the bench.


New member
I use it for some wildcats that I reload that use 6.5 Lapua brass with the small flash hole. Before I started using it, I was breaking the pins. With the Harvey tool, no broken pins. So no complaints.


New member
I have one and it works fine. I can sit in front of the tv and deprime a variety of dirty brass and then sort and tumble.


New member
I'd give my left you know what for a system like that to keep all the filth out of my press. That primer dirt is the only thing that messes up my press.
Alas, I had to give up my South Bend high pression lathe and milling machine so I can't play any more.

Good job as always and makes me very envious of your ability to be able to experiment and build things like this.

How many of the inventions you post on here have been re-invented by other companies in one form or another?

I can tell you how many should have been.


New member
Some interesting points are being made, this has pretty much pushed me to the buy side of the line. I think the press cleanliness post did it for me as well as the no shell holder aspect. I use some cases with the small flash hole also Yep there will be one on my bench


New member
I've had mine for years. I've gone through a few pins, but they are quick to respond and get more in your hands. I had to mill out a hair more material to fit some of the cases that the flash holes weren't completely allowing the pin to make it through.

My only complaint is the pin happens to fall out quite a bit. There is no retention to keep the pin in the lower swivel. The first few were tight fitting and didn't fall out, the last few have been sloppy and fall out all the time.