Harris bipod


New member
I'm looking for a bipod for my Remington 700BDL. Does anyone use this combo, or know if it will in any way mar the super glossy finish on the stock? Thanks!


New member
Harris bipods have rubber pads on the flats where the bipod touches the stock. Properly installed, it shouldn't mar any finish.


New member
It should be fine. I had a bipod that was on the gun so long that when I finally took it off years later, one of the pads partially peeled off the bipod and stuck to the gun, but it cleaned up without marring. If anything, it was one of the pristine areas of the gun because it was protected.


New member
i got a few harris knockoffs - "rockmount, from wally world- $40) they appear to be identical to the harris's. Those little chinese dudes can really rip of a company cant they.
Anyways, mine all have leather pads on them. They jump from gun to gun to gun. no problems at all marring finishes.